
17 July 2024
Summer Researchers Join AFE to Tackle Global Wildfire Occurrences
Summer season is traditionally a period when researchers from different corners of the globe, being united by a passion for systems analysis, gather at IIASA. This year, the FLAM team has welcomed two brilliant persons with diverse backgrounds – an intern and a guest research assistant – who are eager to contribute their unique perspectives to a shared research topic. We are happy to introduce these dynamic individuals and hear their expectations as they embark on this scientific journey at IIASA with us.

27 March 2024
Rising waters and sinking communities: exploring the scope for transformation and resilience in riverine Bangladesh
In Bangladesh, annual flooding affects millions of people, particularly those in rural riverine communities. These communities have developed resilience strategies over generations to cope with flooding and erosion, but with increasing hazards and land pressures, the effectiveness of these strategies is uncertain. A recent study evaluated the resilience of 35 such communities in the country.