On 22 July, 2024, a high-level delegation from the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), led by Professor Tran Tuan Anh, visited IIASA to meet with Director General John Schellnhuber and IIASA researchers to discuss ongoing research projects and opportunities.

The Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) delegation was warmly welcomed by IIASA Director General John Schellnhuber, newly appointed Deputy Director General Karen Lips, and Distinguished Emeritus Research Scholar Wolfgang Lutz, setting the stage for a series of presentations from IIASA researchers on key topics such as biodiversity, natural resources, and pollution management.

Water Security Research Group Leader, Taher Kahil, discussed IIASA’s research on water security and its impact on biodiversity, while Pollution Management Researcher, Gregor Kiesewe​tter, addressed strategies for pollution management and environmental quality improvement through joint efforts with IIASA. The discussions fostered a productive dialogue on shared research interests and potential collaborations with particular focus on urban air pollution, water security, and other regional and transboundary issues. 

The visit concluded with a signing of the guest book and a group photo, marking a promising step towards enhanced cooperation between IIASA and VAST. j

22.07.2024 | Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) visits IIASA


Lancang-Mekong River Basin

10 June 2024

Analyzing the benefits of transboundary cooperation in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin

A new study conducted by IIASA researchers and their colleagues highlights that cooperation in infrastructure operation between countries surrounding the Lancang-Mekong River Basin could bring major economic and environmental co-benefits.