The Energy Demand changes Induced by Technological and Social innovations (EDITS) network holds its Annual Conference in Lisbon, Portugal between 6 and 10 November 2023 to further the interdisciplinary dialogue in conceptualizing, analyzing, policy making, and modeling of energy demand and its interlinkages to climate change mitigation and the SDGs.
The Energy Demand changes Induced by Technological and Social innovations (EDITS) initiative is an organic network of experts, who work together to deepen the understanding of demand-driven energy systems, energy and material demand projections based on technological-social-infrastructural interactions at global and granular levels, and their nexus with wellbeing and the SDGs. EDITS pursues collaborative research to identify gaps and potentials to enhance modeling, empirical analysis, and communication about demand-side solutions and an energy system transformation. The 2023 Annual Meeting EDITS is co-organized by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), the Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), and the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE).
We live in times of urgency. The IPCC report released this year emphasized that to secure a livable and decent future, climate actions are urgently needed. All actors have to step-up their commitment, there are no excuses. Upscaling impactful and equitable measures will lead to smaller losses and damages, as well as to major benefits in wellbeing and other systems. EDITS members have already preceded the IPCC call by emphasizing that we need to move faster with dedicated topics. Accordingly, we have been pushing ahead with on-going long-term tasks, such as the model complementary exercise, while also advanced with selected key topics in a speedy manner as fast-track streams. It is time to engage more with other researchers and implementers.
The EDITS annual meetings are a fundamental basis for the collaborative research and modeling within the initiative. Therefore, the meeting offers a forum for deep discussions on the one hand and a place to enhance specific workflows on the other hand.
Building on the current focus areas of EDITS, two key themes have been selected to underlie the EDITS Annual Conference 2023:
(1) delivering wellbeing and
(2) connecting with policies.
The Annual will have plenary kick-offs, while it will provide a lot of opportunity for deep discussions, dialogues and connections. At the same time, product-focused break-outs and side-events will further the initiative on achieving results and impacts fast-paced.
EDITS meetings are by invitation only, and if you are interested in our work, visit our website or get in touch with us directly by email.
Upcoming Events
Clare Hall, University of Cambridge
IIASA Director General to join distinguished UK panel at Clare Hall Symposium on China
Matosinhos, a neighboring municipality of Porto, Greater Porto Metropolitan Area (Portugal)