Anne Goujon and Dilek Yildiz will represent IIASA at the kick-off meeting of the new Horizon 2020 funded project that will focus on understanding the patterns, motivations and modalities of migration.

Main train station in Berlin © Hanohiki |

IIASA is one of the partners of the Future Migration Scenarios for Europe (FUME) project, that started in December 2019. Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 funding scheme, this three-year project coordinated by Profs. Henning Sten Hansen and Carsten Kessler from Aalborg University Copenhagen consists of 9 partners from 8 European countries and involves experts from multi-disciplinary fields such as demography, geography, geoinformatics, economics, and statistics among others. IIASA will lead the work package 4 on migration projections under the direction of Anne Goujon. 

This kick-off meeting will discuss the plans for the full three year period and interfaces between the work packages, but will also be an opportunity to connect with other related EU projects and initiatives, such as the Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy (QuantMig) project where IIASA is one of the partners, and the European Commission's Knowledge Centre for Migration and Demography that is IIASA's partner at the Centre of Expertise on Population and Migration. Anne Goujon, leader of work package 4, will also moderate a round table on the future of migration scenarios on the open-day of the conference.

The event will take place between 29-31 January 2020 and will be hosted by the FUME project coordinator at Aalborg University Copenhagen.

For more information please visit the event website.


Future Migration Scenarios for Europe (FUME)

The project will contribute to the understanding of future migration mobility patterns through the development of a data-driven simulation tool for scenario-based, localized migration projections. The development will closely interact with the formulation of scenarios based on the shared socio-economic pathways and on relevant data for future migration. The tool implementation will be based on the concept of layers from geographic information systems, each representing a push or pull factor that in combination determine the likelihood of attracting migrants to a city or neighborhood. The role of the different factors will be determined using machine learning techniques, leveraging the detailed data of the partner statistics offices. The project will quantify the projections' sensitivity to developments and policies in different political, economical, and environmental scenarios, as well as the corresponding uncertainties.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 870649. Project Name: Future Migration Scenarios for Europe, FUME.

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