Following his keynote address at the Austrian Wind Energy Association (AWES), IIASA Director General Hans Joachim (John) Schellnhuber spoke to the industry magazine Windenergie about why we need to step up current climate policy and what climate protection has to do with patriotism.

When asked about his statement that climate protection is also synonymous with patriotism and homeland protection during his address at an AWES event in June, Schellnhuber responded as follows:

"This is a connection that is completely underestimated: if you are a patriot, you have to focus on climate protection! Populist politics should actually lead directly to popular climate policy. If you really want to combat the causes of migration, you have to make a contribution to global climate protection. Austria is also incredibly vulnerable to major climatic changes as a cultural and natural land that is worth protecting. Austria would look completely different if we were to experience 2 to 3°C of global warming on a permanent basis. So if you want to continue to protect the Weinviertel or other regions of our homeland, you actually have to focus on climate protection."

Read the full article starting on page 12 of the magazine here. Please note that the article is in German.


Concept of smart farming in agriculture industry

06 December 2024

Knowledge platform Recodo boosts agrobiodiversity action

The FRAMEwork project has unveiled its updated knowledge and action platform, Recodo, enhancing its features and design to better serve stakeholders in agrobiodiversity. Developed by researchers in the IIASA Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability Research Group and other project partners, Recodo connects and empowers diverse actors and audiences, including Farmer Clusters and other agrobiodiversity stakeholders.
End to Begin

03 October 2024

“End to Begin”: A play about the future of the planet

Science meets art: On 14 October at 19:30 CET, the future generation (born in 2050 and 25 years old) will visit the Odeon Theatre in Vienna to understand what people will know, do, fear, hope and dream in 2025.  
Yidan Prize Foundation documentary

26 September 2024

Yidan Prize Foundation spotlights Wolfgang Lutz’s vision on education in new documentary

The Yidan Prize Foundation published a captivating short documentary on IIASA Distinguished Emeritus Research Scholar Wolfgang Lutz, renowned statistician and demographer, whose groundbreaking work reveals how education drives human potential and wellbeing. Discover Lutz's insights and hear from his colleagues as they explore the profound impact of his research on shaping a better future for humanity.