IIASA was honored to welcome a delegation from the Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO) led by GEIDCO Executive Vice Chairman Liu Zehong.

Both IIASA and GEIDCO share a passion for global sustainable development and energy. On Monday, 3 July 2023, representatives from GEIDCO visited IIASA for the day to learn more about the work IIASA does, to engage in mutual learning, and to foster connections that will support future endeavors.

After welcoming the delegates, IIASA Director General Albert van Jaarsveld shared an overview of the institute's history, mission, and current research goals. He explained the institute’s role as a neutral science-based think tank and bridge builder working to facilitate science-based dialogues on contested issues.

GEIDCO Executive Vice Chairman Liu Zehong then had the opportunity to introduce GEIDCO. He shared information about the organization's background, its current work, and its future aspirations as an organization.

Following the introduction, IIASA Integrated Assessment and Climate Change Research Group Leader, Volker Krey, and Energy, Climate, and Environment Program Group Leader, Zig Klimont, presented insights from their ongoing research. This included work related to decision making and the solutions that science can provide for various sustainability issues around the world. The presentations were followed by an open discussion between IIASA and GEIDCO delegates regarding global sustainability improvement.

The connections built and discussions between IIASA and GEIDCO during this event will be extremely beneficial to both organizations going forward. The similarities in the two entities’ research agendas led to stimulating conversation and provided new perspectives for both groups. IIASA looks forward to cooperating with GEIDCO in the future as we work towards improving global sustainability.

03.07.2023 GEIDCO delegation visit to IIASA


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