IIASA would like to pay its respect to those colleagues who have passed away. We apologize for any missing names and appreciate your help in updating the list. Please contact us regarding a tribute or for any corrections.
Recently passed:
ROBERT (BOB) CORELL, US NMO Committee; Board of Directors of the Friends of IIASA; († 2024); Tribute
ALEXANDER BORISOVICH KURZHANSKI, IIASA Deputy Director (1987-1992); IIASA Systems and Decision Sciences Program Director (1984-1992); († 2025); Tribute
WILLIAM (BILL) P. BUTZ, Director of Coordination and Outreach, Wittgenstein Centre; († 2025); Tribute
AKE ANDERSSON, Integrated Regional Development (IRD) Program 1978-1980 and Deputy, Forest Sector Project 1983-1984; († 2021)
ISHFAQ AHMAD, IIASA Council Member for Pakistan 2007-2012; († 2018); Tribute
HEINRICH ANTONI, Technical Services 1978-1999; († 1999)
MICHAEL ANTONOVSKY, Environment Program 1986-1987 and Environmental Monitoring Activity 1987-1991; († 2019)
HENRY H. ARNHOLD, Major supporter of IIASA; († 2018); Tribute
JEANNETTE ASPDEN, General Research and the Survey Project 1976-1977; († 2018); Tribute
PHILIP ASPDEN, Human Settlements & Services Program 1979-1980; († 2013) Obituary
LESLIE AYRES, Computer Services, Directorate, and Social & Environmental Dimensions of Technology 1986-1990; († 2018)
ROBERT AYRES, IIASA Deputy Leader of the Technology-Economy-Society Program; († 2023); Tribute
LEV BELYAEV, Energy Program 1975-1976, († 2023); Obituary
GISELA BOSCH, Adaptive Resource Policies 1983; († 2012)
GERHART BRUCKMANN, IIASA Council member and Consultant; († 2024); Tribute
ANDRES BUENFIL FRIEDMAN, World Population YSSP 1998; († 2007)
DANNY CAACBAY, Technical Engineer 1977 - 2015; († 2015); Tributes
ENRIQUE CAMPOS LOPEZ, Resources and Environment Program 1980-1981; († 2015); Tribute
ELFRIEDE CONGIU-KRANNER, Finance Department 1995-2003; († 2003); Tributes
CHESTER COOPER, Special Advisor to the Director 1983-1985
WILLIAM (BILL) COSGROVE, IIASA Water Acting Program Director 2013-2022; († 2024); Tribute
PAUL J. CRUTZEN, Institute Scholar 2004, 2008; († 2021); Obituary
JAMES E. CURRY, Computer Services Department 1983-2006; († 2006)
PETER DE JÁNOSI, IIASA Director 1990-1996; († 2011) Tribute; Alumni Tributes; IIASA's Peter de Jánosi Fellowship
FELICITY KIM DEVONALD, Adaptation Reporting Power 1983 ; († 2001)
FRANZ DOCEKAL, IIASA Head of the Technical Services Department 1974-2002; († 2024)
CLAIRE DOBLIN, Energy 1975-1980, World Population Program 1986-1987, Technology, Economy and Society 1990-1991; († 2000)
LUIS DONALDO COLOSIO, Human Settlements and Services 1978-1980; († 1994)
BO R. DÖÖS, Environment Program Core 1988-1991; († 1994); Obituary
Peter DÖRFNER, Environmentally Compatible Energy Strategies; Transboundary Air Pollution 1993-1995
ROBERT A. DUIS, Publications Department 1975-1994; († 2008)
ALEXANDRA FEILHOFER, Finance Department 1997-2000, Human Resources 2000-2021; († 2021)
GEORGE FERRELL, Energy Program 1977; († 1989)
PAUL KENNETH FREEMAN, Risk and Vulnerability Program 1998-2001; († 2021); Obituary
NORMAN J. GLASS, Program for Biological and Medical Systems, 1974-1975
MICHEL GRENON, Energy Systems Program & Resources & Environment Program 1974-1981, († 2018); Tribute
MARTIN GUGUMUCK, Finance and Budget 2003-2020; († 2021)
INGRID GÜRKE, Library 1973-1997; († 2021)
WOLF HÄFELE, Energy Program Leader 1973-1981; Deputy Director 1975-1981; († 2013); Tributes
GUS HAMMERL, Head of Superintendancy & Transport 1973-1982, Technical Services 1983, Mail & Warehouse 1991-1993; († 2017)
DENNIS G. HAY, Human Settlements and Services 1977
ALLAN HIRSCH, Deputy Director 1981-1984
C.S. BUZZ HOLLING, Adaptive Ecosystem Policy and Management 1973-1975 and IIASA Director 1981-1984; († 2019); Tribute
GERTRAUDE JACHIM, Human Resources 1979-2001; († 2011)
SARAH K. JOHNSON‑SNYDERMAN, System and Decision Sciences YSSP 1984; (†2013); Obituary
THOMAS JOZSEFFI, Housing and Office of Sponsored Research 1974-1989; († 2013)
VITALI KAFTANOV, Directorate 1982-1987; († 2006); Tribute
LEONARDAS KAIRIŪKŠTIS, Natural Environment Program 1988-1992; († 2021)
TATSUHIKO KAWASHIMA, Human Settlements & Services Program 1977-1979; († 2021); Obituary; Tribute
ALLEN C. KELLEY, Human Settlements and Services 1978-1979; († 2017), Obituary
NATHAN KEYFITZ, Leader of World Population Program 1983-1993; Deputy Director 1992; († 2010); Tributes; Bequest to IIASA
JANUSZ KINDLER, Resources and Environment Research Area 1976-1983; († 2020); Tributes
LAWRENCE KLEIN, System and Decision Sciences Program 1978; († 2013); Obituary; Nobel Prize
PAUL R. KLEINDORFER, System and Decision Sciences Program 1984-1985; († 2012)
LINDA KNEUCKER, Office of Sponsored Research from 1992; IIASA Society 1996-2012; († 2012); Tributes
KURT KOMAREK, IIASA Council 1991-2009; Deputy Director 2001-2002; († 2016); Tribute
YURIY V. KOSTYUCHENKO, Advancing Systems Analysis Program, († 2023); Tribute
VICTOR KREMENYUK, Processes of International Negotiation Program 1994-1995 & 2000-2009, Exploratory and Special Projects 2010-2014; († 2017); Obituary (in Russian)
ARKADY KRYAZHIMSKIY, Advanced Systems Analysis 1996-2014; († 2014); Tributes
GERTRUDE LACHMAYER, Purchasing Officer 1973-1996; († 2015)
JOHN LANCHBERY, Implementation and Effectiveness of International Environmental Commitments 1993-1996; († 2018); Tribute
BORIS LARIONOV, Secretariat, Council and External Relations 1983-1987; († 2017)
THOMAS H. LEE, IIASA Director 1984-1987; († 2001); Tribute; Obituary; Biography
IRVING LEFKOWITZ, Director of the Control of Large-Scale Industrial Systems Project 1974 - 1975; († 2015) Obituary
GIORGIO LEONARDI, Regional Development Strategies 1979-1984; († 1986); Tribute
MARIAN LESCINSKY, Deputy Head of Administration 1979-1982, Head of Financial and Administration Services 1983-1984, Head of Administration 1984-1986; († 2017)
JAQUES LESOURNE, former IIASA Council Member and IIASA Honorary Scholar, († 2020); Obituary
FREERK A. LOOTSMA, Risk Analysis and Policy Study 1992, Risk, Policy and Complexity Project 1995, Decision Analysis Support 1999; († 2003); Obituary
BARBARA LÜBKERT-ALCAMO, YSSP 1986, Transboundary Air Pollution & Social and Environmental Dimensions of Technology Programs 1988-1991; († 2018); Tribute
GORDON J. MACDONALD, IIASA Director 1996-2000; († 2002); Tribute; Obituary; Biographical Memoir
HARRY MAIER, Management and Technology Program 1978-1980; († 2010)
ARKADII MALTSEV, IIASA Secretary 1990-1996 and IIASA Council 2003-2008; († 2021); Obituary
KUNTORO MANGKUSUBROTO, IIASA Council Member for Indonesia; († 2023); Tribute
CESARE MARCHETTI, Institute Scholar 1997-2007; († 2023); Tribute
SABINE MESSNER, Environmentally Compatible Energy Strategies 1990-1999; († 2023); Tribute
HUGH J. MISER, Communications 1979-1982
ROBERT (Ted) E. MUNN, Environment Program Leader and Deputy Director, 1985-1988; († 2013); Tribute
ALLAN H. MURPHY, Energy Program 1974-1975 ; († 1997)
AGNETA (SILFVER) NEWTON, Conference and Visitor Services 1973-1988; († 2017); Tribute
LAWRENCE G. OSTERMANN, Office of Sponsored Research 1985-1987
JOHN PAGE, Bio-Med Program 1974-1975
FRIEDERIKE PALATIN, Finance Department 1976-1992; († 2006)
MERTON JOSEPH PECK, Economic Transition and Integration Program 1990-1991, 1993-1996; († 2013); Obituary
PETER POPPER, Library 1973-1985; († 2017); Tribute
CARL POSEY, Communications Department 1981-1982, († 2018)
ROBERT H. PRY, IIASA Director 1987-1990; († 2012); Tributes
HOWARD RAIFFA, IIASA Director 1972-75; († 2016); Alumni Tributes, IIASA Tribute; Obituary
PIET RIETVELD, Regional Development 1980-1981; († 2013)
MARIA ROGERS, Human Settlements and Services 1973-1983
ERWIN RUPP, Transport Department 1974-2003; († 2011)
WOLFGANG SASSIN, Energy Program 1975-1983; († 2021); Obituary
THOMAS SCHELLING, Institute Scholar 1993-2002; († 2016); Obituary
VIVIEN SCHIMMEL-CASTI, Planning & Sponsored Research 1973-1987; († 1998); Tributes
STEPHEN C. SCHMIDT, Food and Agriculture Program 1976-1977; († 2008)
FRIEDRICH (BIO) SCHMIDT-BLEEK, Technology, Economy and Society Program 1988-1991, († 2019)
LEO SCHRATTENHOLZER, Environmentally Compatible Energy Systems Program Leader 1973-2006; († 2009); Tributes
RODERICK SHAW, Transboundary Air Pollution 1987-1992; († 2017); Tributes
ANATOLIJ P. SHPAK, IIASA Council 1995-2011; († 2011); Tribute
KIRK R. SMITH, Transitions to New Technology Program 2014 and Global Energy Assessment Executive Committee Member and Convening Lead Author, († 2020); Obituary
SPENCER SMITH, Directorate 1982, († 2017), Obituary
ERIKA STEINBRUGGER, Finance Department 1983-1998; († 2009)
MANFRED STRUBEGGER, Energy Program 1979-2017; († 2017); Tribute
PABLO SUAREZ, Risk and Vulnerabilities (RAV) Program 2008-2009, YSSP 2002; († 2024); Tribute
MARGO SWEET, Publication Department 1973-1975; († 2012); Obituary
ANNA SZELE, Domestic Services 1973-2000; († 2010); Tribute
ANTON P. TIMMAN, Food and Agriculture Program, 1978-1979
ROLFE TOMLINSON, Management and Technology 1977-1980; († 2015); Obituary
KURT URBAN, Technical Services 1975-1992; († 2015)
OLEG VASILIEV, Resources & Environment Area & IIASA Deputy Director 1977-1981; (†2017); Obituary; Tribute
TIBOR VASKO, Signatory on IIASA Charter, Management of Technology Area, Clearinghouse Activities, Science & Technology Program, Economic Transition & Integration, Dean of YSSP 1980-1991; († 2019); Tribute
JAMES W. VAUPEL, Population Program 1984-1986; († 2022); Obituary
VILMA M. VOLL, Superintendency/Telecom 1973-1984; († 2019)
GRIFFITHS WAYNE, Technical Infrastructure 1977-1987
KARL H. WERLER, Computer Science Project, 1974
ROBERT M. WHITE, US NMO, († 2015), Tribute
JAMES WILKIE, Publications Department 1985-1986; († 2019)
ERIC F. WOOD, Water 1974-1976; († 2021); Obituary; Tribute