The "IIASA 50th Anniversary Science Diplomacy Event - the Need for International Scientific Cooperation and Multilateralism" was held on 14 June 2022 in Vienna, Austria. It brought together members of the research community, experts, representatives of the diplomatic corps and international organizations.

The Vienna Statement on Science Diplomacy emerged from the discussions held during this event.

Vienna Statement on Science Diplomacy

The Signatories to this Statement,

Recognising that Science Diplomacy uses scientific collaborations among nations and peoples to address common and shared problems and to build constructive international partnerships to this end;

Acknowledging that international scientific cooperation was crucial in maintaining relations between antagonistic parties during the Cold War and beyond. Now is the time for the world community to boost international scientific cooperation, and in response to current major challenges, inter alia, climate change, the global pandemic, and armed conflict, not to withdraw from such informal diplomacy, but to strengthen it;

Believing that this objective can best be achieved through international co-operation based on the universal values of science and bridge-building across a broad group of relevant stakeholders;

Being convinced that science, technology, and innovation, if wisely directed, can benefit all humankind;

Appreciating that international collaboration between national and international institutions promotes co-operation between nations and is necessary to ensure sustainable development;

Supporting measures for scientific support and provision of infrastructure to address emerging global and regional challenges through cooperation and collaborative work;

Recognising activities of institutions worldwide in the field of science diplomacy, both practicing science diplomacy in their everyday activities, or doing research on science diplomacy, or teaching science diplomacy as a discipline; and

Recalling the Madrid Declaration on Science Diplomacy from 2019 that emphasises the benefits science diplomacy can bring to tackling the global challenges of our time and outlines the principles needed to foster science diplomacy worldwide;

Hereby, resolve to actively collaborate in advancing and implementing the fundamental principles of Science Diplomacy for the benefit of humanity.

The Signatories shall actively work towards ensuring conditions that allow them to fulfil their commitments and mandates to promote (i) freedom and access in the conduct of science; (ii) free and open exchange of scientific ideas and information; (iii) open access to publications, and other knowledge and research findings; (iv) research integrity and societal responsibility of science; and (v) freedom of cooperation across borders for individuals participating in research/scientific activities.

The Signatories reject discrimination, violence, and harassment of any kind, including that based on factors such as religion, ethnic origin, geographical location, language, citizenship, politics, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or age.

In witness whereof the undersigned have signed and support the objectives of this Vienna Statement on Science Diplomacy.

14 June 2022
Vienna, Austria

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Should the statement resonate with your vision, you are invited to endorse and sign it.

The signatories are signing on an individual basis and their signatures do not necessarily mean endorsement by any institution.

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The signatories of the Vienna Statement on Science Diplomacy


Speakers of the IIASA 50th Anniversary Science-Diplomacy Event signed the statement:
  • Michael Clegg, Professor Emeritus, University of California, Irvine (UC Irvine); Chair of the Council of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); Chair of the U.S. Committee for IIASA, U.S. National Academy of Sciences, USA
  • Sir Peter Gluckman, President of the International Science Council (ISC)
  • Tarja Halonen, 11th President of the Republic of Finland, Member of the UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Board on Mediation
  • Teresa Indjein, Director General for International Cultural Relations at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria
  • Ban Ki-moon, 8th UN Secretary-General, Co-chair of the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens
  • Christian Köberl, Professor, University of Vienna; IIASA Council member for Austria
  • Paul W. Meerts, Senior Research Associate at Clingendael – the Netherlands Institute of International Relations, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium
  • Jan Marco Müller, Coordinator Science Diplomacy and Multilateral Relations, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission
  • Romain Murenzi for UNESCO-TWAS, The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries
  • Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, USA
  • Albert van Jaarsveld, Director General of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Other signatories:
VSSD submissions table

Total signatories: 207

First Name Last name Position and affiliation Country
Salim S. Abdool Karim Director, Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) and CAPRISA Professor of Global Health at Columbia University; Vice-President, International Science Council (ISC)
Quarraisha Abdool Karim Associate Scientific Director, Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA); Co-Chair, 10-Member Group to support the Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM), United Nations; Special Ambassador for Adolescents and HIV, UNAIDS South Africa
Zakri Abdul Hamid Founding Director, International Institute of Science Diplomacy & Sustainability Malaysia
Uzma Alam Independent Consultant, Africa Institute for Health Policy
Elena Alekseenkova Leading Research Fellow and Head of the Center for Italian Studies, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Federation
Saleem H. Ali Chair and Professor, Department of Geography and Spatial Sciences, University of Delaware United States of America
Mihail Arandarenko Professor of Economics, Belgrade University Serbia
Nicole Arbour Executive Director, Belmont Forum Uruguay
Priscilla Baker Member, Academy of Science South Africa (ASSAf); Co-director, International Associated Laboratory Đ SENERGYLAB; Senior Professor South Africa
Francoise Baylis Distinguished Research Professor, Dalhousie University, Canada; Member of the Governing Board Canada
Lynn Beckwith President, Automation Consultants Inc. United States of America
Haim Ben-Yakov Executive Vice President, The Institute for Euro-Asian Jewish Studies Israel
Paul Arthur Berkman Associated Fellow, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR); President, Science Diplomacy Center; Associate Director of Science Diplomacy United States of America
Rasmus Gjedsso Bertelsen Professor of Northern Studies, Barents Chair in Politics, UiT The Arctic University of Norway Norway
Rose Boswell Professor, National Research Foundation South Africa
Emil Brix Director, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna Austria
Viktor Bruckman IIASA NMO Secretary for Austria, Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW); President of the Division on Energy, Resources and the Environment, European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Ismael Buchanan Vice Chairperson, Pan African Movement Rwanda Chapter; Senior Lecturer, University of Rwanda Rwanda
Jurgen Busch ĘHead of Humanities, Social and Health Sciences, Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBG) Austria
Nakul Chettri Senior Biodiversity Specialist, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development Nepal
Tatjana Christelbauer President and founder, ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy Austria
E. William Colglazier Former Science and Technology Adviser to the U.S. Secretary of State United States of America
FranŤoise Combes Chair of Galaxies and Cosmology, CollŹge de France, France; 2021 L'OrŽal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award Laureate France
Saths Cooper President, Pan-African Psychology Union (PAPU); Board Member, South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC); Chair South Africa
Marcos Regis da Silva Executive Director, Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) Uruguay
Elke Dall Senior Researcher and Project Manager, Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI), Austria; Founding Chair, EU Science Diplomacy Alliance
Roger P. Deane DSI/NRF SARAO Chair in Radio Astronomy, University of the Witwatersrand South Africa
Rafael Gustavo Miranda Delgado Professor, Los Andes University Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Xiang Zheng Deng Director, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy; Director, Research Laboratory on Environmental Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences China
Fan Deshang General Secretary, Center for Global Governance Studies, Peking University China
Stephen Devereux SARChI Chair in Social Protection for Food Security, University of the Western Cape South Africa
Antonella Di Trapani Senior Analyst, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)
Pearl Dykstra former Deputy Chair of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors to the European Commission; Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam Netherlands
Luisa F. Echeverria-King Researcher, Corporaci—n Universitaria del Caribe (CECAR), Colombia;Advisor, National Training Service (SENA) Colombia
Heinz W. Engl Rector, University of Vienna Austria
Sabiha Yusuf Essack DST/NRF South African Research Chair (SARChI) in Antibiotic Resistance and One Health, University of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa
Jahou Samba Faal Secretary General, Association of Technical Universities and Polytechnics in Africa (ATUPA)
Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger Deputy Director and Senior Economist, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Austria Austria
Pedro Figueroa President, DiploCientifica - the Science Diplomacy Network and Observatory in Latin America and the Caribbean
Ramin Forghani Doctoral Researcher, Institute of Political Science, University of Luxembourg Luxembourg
Michael Lysander Fremuth Scientific Director, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Fundamental and Human Rights Austria
Patricia J. Garcia former Minister of Health of Peru; Professor, School of Public Health, Cayetano Heredia University (UPCH) Peru
Martin Gerzabek President, Christian Doppler Research Association (CDG) Austria
Mohsen Ghafory-Ashtiany Distinguished Professor, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Silvia E. Giorguli-Saucedo President, El Colegio de MŽxico (COLMEX) Mexico
Alfonso González President, K60 High Education Spaces Association Spain
Andrei Gorokhov Editor-in-chief, Russian Political Science journal Russian Federation
Margaret Goud Collins Executive Director, Friends of IIASA United States of America
Anne Goujon Population and Just Societies Program Director, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Mellony Graven South African Numeracy Chair, Rhodes University South Africa
Melania Guerra Director of Science Strategy, Planet Germany
Thorvaldur Gylfason Professor Emeritus, University of Iceland Iceland
Sabine Haag Director General, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (Art History Museum Vienna); President, Austrian UNESCO Commission Austria
Heide Hackmann Interim Director, Future Africa, University of Pretoria South Africa
Jim W Hall Director of Research, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford United Kingdom
Jana Hall Chief Operations Officer, Van Andel Research Institute United States of America
Pirkko Hamalainen Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Finland to the Republic of Austria; Permanent Representative of the Republic of Finland to the International Organizations in Vienna
Timothy Hardcastle Head, Clinical Department Trauma and Burns, Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital and Durban University of Technology (DoH) Đ University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) South Africa
Mathias Harzhauser Head of Geological-Paleontological Department, Natural History Museum Vienna Austria
Hubert Hasenauer Head, Institute of Silviculture, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Austria
Roman Hoffmann Social Cohesion, Health, and Wellbeing Research Group Leader, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Leen Hordijk Professor Emeritus, Wageningen University & Research (WUR) Netherlands
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou President of the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC); President of the International Chair in Mathematical Physics and Applications (ICMPA), University of Abomey-Calavi Benin
Jorge Huete-Pérez Professor, University of Central America Nicaragua
Alik Ismail-Zadeh former Secretary General, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG); Inaugural Secretary, International Science Council (ISC); Senior Research Fellow, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany
Evgeny Ivanko Leading Researcher, Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Federation
Jonathan D. Jansen President, Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), South Africa
Matthias Jonas Senior Research Scholar, Advancing Systems Analysis Program, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Pavel Kabat Secretary-General, Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) France
Taher Kahil Water Security Research Group Leader, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Harald Kainz Rector, Graz University of Technology Austria
Miho Kamei Researcher, Integrated Sustainability Centre, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Japan
Helen Kavvadia Researcher in Residence, Institute of Political Science University of Luxembourg Luxembourg
Yoichi Kaya Advisor, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) Japan
Marko Keskinen Associate Professor, Aalto University Finland
Ayesha BM Kharsany Professor, Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) South Africa
Makobetsa Khati Executive Director of Research Chairs and Centers of Excellence, National Research Foundation South Africa
Aftab Ahmad Khokher Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the Republic of Austria; Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the International Organizations in Vienna
Gottfried Kirchengast Founding Director, Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change, and Speaker Climate Change Graz, University of Graz Austria
Dirk-Jan Koch Chief Science Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Netherlands
Nadejda Komendantova Cooperation and Transformative Governance Research Group Leader, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Erika Kraemer-Mbula Chair holder of the DSI/NRF/Newton Fund Trilateral Chair in Transformative Innovation, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Sustainable Development, College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg South Africa
Barbara Kreissler Head, Communications and External Relations Department, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Austria
Helga Kromp-Kolb Professor, Centre for Global Change and Sustainability, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Austria
Michael Kuhn Economic Frontiers Program Director, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Ingrid Ladner Editor, Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Austria
Devenie Latchmanan Head of Compliance, Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) South Africa
Martin Lees former Secretary General, Club of Rome Switzerland
Roger Levien President, Friends of IIASA United States of America
Maggi J Linington Deputy Vice Chancellor, Vaal University of Technology South Africa
Terry Linkletter Professor, Central Washington University United States of America
Elke Loichinger Head, Research Group Global and Regional Population Dynamics, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) Germany
Mauricio Antonio Lopes former President, Senior Scientist, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa Brazil
Jose Ramon Lopez-Portillo Romano Science Diplomacy Adviser to Mexican Government; member of the 10-Member Group to support the Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM), United Nations
Sari Helena Lšytškorpi Senior Adviser, Government Strategy Department, Prime MinisterŐs Office Finland
Wolfgang Lutz Interim Deputy Director General for Science, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); Founding Director, Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA), OeAW, University of Vienna Austria
Catriona Ida Macleod SARChI Chair of Critical Studies in Sexualities and Reproduction, Rhodes University South Africa
Fazal M Mahomed Director, DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand South Africa
Tinyiko Maluleke Vice Chancellor and Principal, Tshwane University of Technology South Africa
Heinz Mayer Professor and former Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Vienna Austria
Claire Mays Institut Symlog de France, France; Executive Director, H2020; former Co-Chair, EU Science Diplomacy Alliance
Gordon McBean former President, International Science Council (ISC); Director for Policy, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, Western University Canada
Dennis Meadows Emeritus Professor and former Director of the Institute for Policy and Social Science Research, University of New Hampshire United States of America
Reinhard Mechler Systemic Risk and Resilience Research Group Leader, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Christoph Meinel Director and CEO, Hasso Plattner Institute Germany
Henning Melber Extraordinary Professor, University of Pretoria, South Africa; President, European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)
Kirti Menon Senior Director, Division for Teaching Excellence, University of Johannesburg South Africa
Thandi Mgwebi Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Nelson Mandela University
Jerry Miller President, Science for Decisions LLC United States of America
Jerry Miller President, Science for Decisions LLC United States of America
Khotso Mokhele Chair of the Advisory Council, African Open Science Platform
Kebogile Mokwena NRF Research Chair in Substance Abuse and Population Mental Health, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University South Africa
Maggy NB Momba SARChI Chair for Water Quality and Wastewater Management, Tshwane University of Technology South Africa
KC Moon Distinguished Professor, Korea University Korea (Republic of)
Ana Elorza Moreno Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) Coordinator, Office for Science and Technology, Spanish Congress of Deputies Spain
Lynn Morris Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of the Witwatersrand South Africa
Sibusiso Moyo Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Durban University of Technology South Africa
Goshtasb Mozafari Advisor in City Diplomacy and Local Governance, Tehran Municipality Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Khumbulani Mpofu NRF SARChI Research Chair in Future Transport Manufacturing Technologies, Tshwane University of Technology South Africa
Patricia Mussi-Mailer Administrative Director, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Fundamental and Human Rights Austria
Adil Najam Dean Emeritus and Professor, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University United States of America
Nebojsa Nakicenovic Emeritus Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); Deputy Chair, Group of Chief Scientific Advisors to the European Commission
Busisiwe Ncama Deputy Vice Chancellor and Head of College of Health Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa
Bongani Ncube DSI-NRF/WRC SARChI Chair in Governance and Economics for Water and Sanitation Sector Institutions, Cape Peninsula University of Technology South Africa
Fulufhelo Nelwamondo Chief Executive Officer, National Research Foundation South Africa
Wolfgang Neubauer Director, Ludwig Boltzmann Institut for Archaeological Science and Virtual Archaeology (LBI ArchPro) Austria
Chris Nhlapo Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Cape Peninsula University of Technology South Africa
Leila Niamir Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); Member, Global Young Academy (GYA)
Josef Niebauer President, Austrian Association of Prevention and Rehabilitation; Chair, Section of Sports Cardiology, European Association of Preventive Cardiology, European Society of Cardiology; Chair of the Institute of Sports Medicine, Paracelsus Medical Univers Austria
Guillermo Gutierrez Nieto Counsellor, Permanent Delegation of Mexico to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Sten Nilsson Chief Executive Officer, Forest Sector Insights; Member, Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, Sweden and Foreign Member, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Lithuania
Vladimir Novikov Professor and Principal Investigator, National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute" Russian Federation
Sir Paul Nurse 2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine laureate; Director and Chief Executive Officer, Francis Crick Institute United Kingdom
Carol Anne O'Brien Development Phase Implementation Manager, Science Diplomacy Capital for Africa (SDCfA) South Africa
Taikan Oki Professor and Special Advisor to the President, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo Japan
Ariadna Garza Ortiz Professor, Autonomous University of Campeche Mexico
Anshu Padayachee Chief Executive Officer, Technological Higher Education Network South Africa (THENSA) South Africa
Vathi Papu-Zamxaka Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Tshwane University of Technology South Africa
Francesco Petruccione Interim Director, National Institute for Theoretical and Computational Sciences (NITheCS); Professor of Quantum Computing, Stellenbosch University South Africa
Eric Piaget Research Fellow, United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS), EU Science Diplomacy Alliance, Brugge Belgium
Gansen Pillay former Council Vice Chair, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), and Honorary IIASA Scholar
Moses Pius CEO, Environmental System Sustainable Intelligence (Essintel) Nigeria
Uwe Christian Plachetka Agricultural Anthropologist and Historian, Association of Historians of Latin America and the Caribbean; Visiting Professor, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo Dominican Republic
Christiane Pohn-Hufnagl Chief Operations Officer, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Remi Quirion Quebec Chief Scientist, Canada; President, International Network for Governmental Science Advice (INGSA)
Christian Rapp Scientific Director, House of History, Museum of Lower Austria Austria
Daya Reddy Former President, International Science Council (ISC); International Advisory Board Chair, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; Professor Emeritus, University of Cape Town South Africa
Elisa P. Reis Professor of Political Sociology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); Director, Interdisciplinary Research Network for the Study of Social Inequality (NIED) Brazil
Elena Repman Professor, Guglielmo Marconi University; Chief Operations Officer, Pareto Academy Italy
Olegas Riapolovas Chief Executive Officer, N.I. Veduta Strategic Planning Scientific School (Russia) Lithuania
Marco Ricceri Secretary General, EURISPES Institute Italy
Verena Ringler Director, AGORA European Green Deal & Senior Lecturer, FH Burgenland - University of Applied Science Austria
Mark Robinson Tutor of Science Diplomacy, Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy, SOAS University of London United Kingdom
Ylva Rodny-Gumede Senior Director, Division for Internationalisation, University of Johannesburg South Africa
Alexis Roig CEO, SciTech DiploHub; Barcelona's Chief Science and Tech Envoy; Professor, Pompeu Fabra University
Janet Rossant President and Scientific Director, Gairdner Foundation Canada
Fatima Roumate President, International Institute of Scientific Research; Professor, Mohammed V University Morocco
Elena Rovenskaya Advancing Systems Analysis Program Director, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Samantha Sampson SARChI Chair in Mycobactomics, Stellenbosch University South Africa
Zehra Sayers Professor, Sabanci University Türkiye
Florian Schaffenrath Director, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies Austria
Fabian Schipfer Senior Researcher, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) Austria
Mary Scholes Full Professor and NRF-DST Research Chair in Global Change and Applied Systems Analysis, University of the Witwatersrand South Africa
David M. Serwadda Professor, Makerere University School of Public Health (MUSPH) Uganda
Seyed Shahmy Senior Scientist, National Science and Technology Commission (NASTEC) Sri Lanka
Corinthias P. M. Sianipar Assistant Professor,ĘDepartment of Global Ecology & Division of Environmental Science and Technology, Kyoto University Japan
John David Simnett Director, Sustainable Energy Microsystems Community Interest Company United Kingdom
Prabhpreet Singh Assistant Professor of Law, Manipal University Jaipur India
Rachael Jesika Singh Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Partnerships, University of Limpopo South Africa
Sergey Sizov Science Diplomacy Officer, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Jan David Smeddinck Co-Director & Principal Investigator, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention (LBI-DHP) Austria
Youba Sokona Vice-Chair, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Himla Soodyall Executive Officer, Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) South Africa
Leena Srivastava Deputy Director General for Science, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Pradeep Srivastava Executive Director,ĘTechnology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) India
Matej Stefanik Programme Manager, Section of Cross-border Cooperation Programmes, Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic Slovakia
Mark Sutton Director, GEF/UNEP International Nitrogen Management System (INMS), UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) United Kingdom
Istvan Szabo President, Green Cross Hungary (NGO) Hungary
Gianfranco Tamburelli Senior Researcher, Institute of International Legal Studies, National Research Council of Italy Italy
Radhika Trikha Senior Policy Fellow, DST-Centre for Policy Research, Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc) India
Arnold Tukker Scientific Director, Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability Netherlands
Ivan Turok NRF Research Chair, City-Region Economies, University of the Free State; Distinguished Research Fellow, Human Sciences Research Council; Honorary Professor, University of Glasgow United Kingdom
Eva Benita Tuzon Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officer, Department of Agrarian Reform Philippines
Jean-Robert Tyran Vice-Rector, University of Vienna Austria
Diana Urge-Vorsatz Director, Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy, Central European University (CEU)
Jean-Joinville Vacher Research Director, Research Institute for Development France
Peter Valent Director, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Hematology and Oncology (LBI HO) Austria
Judy van Biljon Professor, University of South Africa South Africa
Egbert-Jan van Dijck Researcher Lecturer, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences Netherlands
Bettine van Vuuren Senior Director for Strategic Initiatives and Administration, University of Johannesburg South Africa
Elena Veduta Director, N.I. Veduta Strategic Planning Scientific School; Professor of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University Russian Federation
Miroslav Veskovic Professor of Physics, University of Novi Sad, Serbia Serbia
Detlof von Winterfeldt Professor, University of Southern California; Executive Director, USC Center for Sustainability Solutions United States of America
Eveline Wandl-Vogt Research Manager, Austrian Academy of Sciences Austria
Gang Wang Chair of the Department of Soil and Water Sciences, China Agricultural University China
Peter Warren former Executive Secretary, The Royal Society of London; Secretary at IIASA Charter signing ceremony in 1972 United Kingdom
Elke U. Weber Professor, Princeton University, USA; member of IIASA Science Advisory Committee
Peter Weish Human Ecologist, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Austria
Verena Winiwarter Environmental Historian, Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW); Chairperson, Commission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies and the National Global Change Committee Austria
Lothar Winkelbauer Private Austria
Veronika Wittmann Associate Professor, Johannes Kepler University Linz Austria
Chatchawal Wongchai Assistant to the President and Lecturer, University of Phayao Thailand
Xiang Yang Xu Director, Center of Resources and Environmental Policy Research, China University of Mining and Technology China
Guli Yuldasheva Professor, Coordination-Methodological Center on Contemporary History of Uzbekistan, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
Zhong Xiang Zhang Founding Dean and Distinguished University Professor, Ma Yinchu School of Economics, Tianjin University China
Xiao Ying Zheng Dean, APEC Health Science Academy, Peking University (HeSAY) China
Tong Zhu Dean, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University China