As part of its 50th Anniversary celebrations, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) through the Korean IIASA Committee, are jointly hosting a conference on "Systems Analysis as a Global Approach: Science and Sustainability in the Mid-Latitude Region", to highlight and consolidate ongoing collaboration.

The conference will take place in a hybrid format in Seoul, South Korea and online. It will welcome researchers, including IIASA alumni, to explore how systems analysis can provide sustainable solutions to global, regional, and local challenges. The conference will consider a number of issues, including environmental problems in the mid-latitude region, global challenges in the water-food-energy nexus under climate change and carbon neutrality, as well as pollution and wellbeing under carbon neutralization. 


The event is co-hosted by IIASA and NRF and is co-organized by the OJEong Resilience Institute at Korea University and the Social Eco-Tech Institute at Konkuk University with generous support from the following:

  • The Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment (KOSAE)
  • The Institute for Sustainable Development (ISD), Korea University
  • The Department of Technology Fusion Engineering (DTFE), Konkuk University
  • The Human Resource Development Program for Carbon Neutrality, Korea University
  • KU2 (Konkuk-Korea University) Graduate Program Specialized in Air Quality Management
  • BK21 FOUR R&E Center for Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University
  • Department of Climate Environment (Korea University Graduate Program Specialized in Carbon Sink, KU-GPSCS)

Program (Korean Standard Time (KST)

  09:00-09:30 Registration






Opening Session

Greetings from the National Research Foundation of Korea (5 min)

Keynote speech from IIASA Director General (15 min)

Keynote speech from Korean Representative (15 min)

Video presentation on IIASA-Korea collaboration

  10:05-10:15 Group Photo and Break




Session 1: Water-Food-Energy Nexus in the Mid-Latitude Region

Presentation by Moderator (10 min)

Presentation by IIASA researchers (20 min)

Panel Discussion (40 min)

  11:25-11:30 Break




Session 2: Impact of Carbon Neutral Future on Pollution and Wellbeing in Northeast Asia

Presentation by Moderator (10 min)

Presentation by IIASA researchers (20 min)

Panel Discussion with (40 min)

  12:35-14:00 Lunch








Session 3: IIASA: A Catalyst for Enhancing Systems Analysis Research

Systems Analysis methodologies and outstanding outcomes using systems analysis (30 min)

Using systems thinking for knowledge co-production: beyond participatory system dynamics approaches (15 min)

Systems Analysis research experience (30 min)

Discussion (30 min)

※ This session aims to raise awareness of IIASA and the field of systems analysis

  15:45-15:55 Break




Alumni Session

Introduction of YSSP and IIASA capacity building programs

Voice from alumni: important research themes, collaboration stories, and their experiences

  17:55-18:15 Closing Remarks

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