Are you an early career researcher interested in applying to the IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program and would like more information? The US National Member Organization for IIASA is hosting a webinar on the institute’s flagship doctoral fellowship program featuring award winning 2019 participants.

People talking © Christoph Liebentritt

Annually, from 1 June to 31 August, IIASA hosts up to 50 doctoral students from around the world in its Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP).  YSSP participants undertake a three-month summer project on a topic related to the IIASA research agenda.

The US National Member Organization for IIASA has organized a virtual meeting featuring YSSP 2019 participants Felicia Chiang and Nicolas Choquette-Levy who will share details about research they conducted at IIASA and their experiences of the YSSP. Chiang and Chouquette-Levy were awarded the annual YSSP Peccei and Mikhalevic awards for the YSSP respectively, for the outstanding papers they produced.

The webinar will be interactive with opportunities for attendees to ask questions.

Prospective US applicants are encouraged to attend but all potential applicants are welcome.


Felicia ChiangIntensified Risk of Concurrent Warm and Dry Events Attributed to Anthropogenic Climate Change, PhD student at the University of California

Nicolas Choquette-Levy, The Impact of Risk-Transfer Policies on Smallholder Farmer Climate Adaptation, PhD student at Princeton University

Brain D. FathOverview of the YSSP, YSSP Scientific Coordinator, IIASA Research Scholar, and Professor at Townson University. 

Young Scientists Summer Programm
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