Eco-theater strives to create science-based work in the context of our new climate reality toward a collective goal of environmental justice. The piece "End to Begin", shaped with insights from IIASA, provides a place to bid farewell to the old and welcome the future's significance. The pre-premiere took place as part of the Beyond Growth Conference in Vienna.

End to Begin © Source: Gloria Benedikt

The eco-theater piece "End to Begin" was created by IIASA alumna Gloria Benedikt, with support from the Filmschool Vienna. IIASA researcher Adriano Vinca provided scientific input.

In this era, we face farewells to entire species, seasons, places, and cherished experiences. Yet, a Yale study shows roughly two-thirds of the US population seldom discusses the climate crisis. “We don’t have exact data on other parts of the world yet, but this insight made me realize that we lack a structured way to process this profound loss and inspired me to think about what it would take to create a mechanism to meet this need,” notes Benedikt.

She has created a captivating performative piece of art, where artists invite the audience to collectively recognize what's gone, ponder fears and hopes, and find tangible hope and a positive vision for the future.

The pre-premiere took place as part of the Beyond Growth Conference at Billrothhaus (next to Votivkirche).

The premiere of the full-length work will take place on 14 Oktober 2024 at the Odeon Theater in Vienna.

13.05.24 | "End to Begin": an eco-theater performance