IIASA ECE is excited to host the next in-person openmod workshop. The Open Energy Modelling (openmod) Initiative promotes open energy modelling across the world. Energy models are widely used for policy advice and research. They serve to help answer questions on energy policy, decarbonization, and transitions toward renewable energy sources.
Here is the workshop agenda, how to get to/from IIASA, and how to reach the restaurant for the social dinner on Thursday night.
The agenda includes several short presentations, break-out group work time, as well as a plenary presentation by Chief Energy Modeler at the US Energy Information Administration, Sauleh Siddiqui. This webpage will be updated with information regarding the best forms of transportation to and from IIASA for attendees, how to access the internet and other relevant information regarding the workshop's logistics.
For participants in the 13:00 capacity-building session a) "Are your results consistent? Comparing the results from an IAM and a sectoral model," on Wednesday, March 22nd, follow this download link for the handout.
Upcoming Events
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) & Online
German IIASA Networking Event: "Systems analysis for a sustainable and peaceful future"
Groningen, The Netherlands
‘Towards Net-Zero through a Circular Economy: the consumer and business perspectives’ Stakeholder Workshop
Online and Austrian Academy of Sciences (Doktor-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2, Vienna)
Human Agency to Navigate the Anthropocene
Humboldt University of Berlin
IIASA at Fragile Lives 2024: Evidence for human development, food security, and peace in poly-crises
Odeon Theater, Taborstraße 10, 1020 Vienna