This hybrid symposium of the Austrian Academy of Sciences presents some of the key topics and challenges discussed within the framework of the academy's energy transition working group.

Providing sufficient energy while minimizing climate impacts has become an essential challenge for our society. At the Austrian Academy of Sciences, a working group has jointly formed between the Commission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies (KIOES) and the Climate and Air Quality Commission (KKL) to explore the situation in Austria and Europe regarding pathways of a sustainable energy transition. The working group has been inviting top experts to provide their opinions and views on multiple different aspects – from energy provision, transport, respectively transmission, and storage to energy services, decent living and social innovation related to energy.

This event presents some of the key topics and challenges discussed within the framework of the energy transition working group.


Keywan Riahi, Energy, Climate, and Environment Program Director, IIASA

Verena Winiwarter, Chair, Commission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies (KIOES), IIASA Alumna

Wilfried Winiwarter, Senior Research Scholar, Energy, Climate, and Environment Program, IIASA