Dr. Hossein Hossani from the IIASA Cooperation and Transformative Governance (CAT) Research Group is the founder of YolaCare initiative in Nigeria, whose application, created under Monaco Impact, promises to bring solutions to child healthcare. The YolaCare application will be launched on Thursday, March 3 in Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria.

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The pandemic has shown that our good health is not a given. Good health is a first condition for a happy life. Millions of children in developing countries do not enjoy good health and child mortality is unbearably high.

To help in this situation, a team of data scientist, IT and blockchain specialists, and medical advisors worked to develop a Smart Child Growth Monitoring application called YolaCare.

YolaCare will give parents easy access to monitor their children’s relevant growth and vaccination data. The application will assist Doctors making the right diagnosis and enable every child to have the same level of treatment.

The application will collect, maintain, secure, and generate health reports and statistics based on children’s medical records. YolaCare uses the most advanced methods; artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain technology.

YolaCare is part of Monaco Impact- Privilege of Promise. Monaco Impact initiates and supports social impact activities, such as the Monaco Ocean Protection Challenge, the high and lasting social impact YolaCare data-driven Child Growth application in cooperation with blockchain developer Modex and the Monaco Impact Ocean Microplastic Measuring Research Project.

Hossani explains that the main concern in child healthcare is the collected data is not enough to produce worldwide growth standards. In addition, the data collected in different regions or institutions are not connected. If a parent attends one health center in a region for one vaccination turn and another health center in another region or country for the next one, there is a possibility the first health center would not find out if the child was given the next vaccination.

With the YolaCare app parents can manage, monitor and control their child’s health. It provides parents, doctors and health centers with an easy app for managing a child’s growth data, vaccination dates and health-related issues. Those include history, physical, mental, and emotional development. For the first time a local, regional, city and country-based growth chart will be produced. Furthermore, the app uses a dynamic approach to collect information/data warehouse.

The app utilizes advanced statistical analysis; provides analytical results such as growth forecasts and confidence intervals; provides a dedicated curve adapted to a child with specific conditions, and notifies about current and upcoming growth abnormalities.


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