IIASA Voices event on 6 June 2023 - video available. The panel discussion on the role of science in catalyzing sustainability transformation featured IIASA researchers, Lena Hoglund Isaksson, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, and Piero Visconti and was moderated by Advancing Systems Analysis Program Director, Elena Rovenskaya.
Humankind is facing a multitude of challenges requiring collective action of all major stakeholders including businesses, governments, and citizens. Science has played a crucial role in generating knowledge that underpins our current living standards and reveals the proneness of our systems to external and internal shocks such as pandemics, technological advancements, or climate change. Scientists are working hard to develop possible solutions to our current challenges, but is science doing enough? Is the role of science confined to providing impartial knowledge? Should science and scientists be more proactive in shaping stakeholders' views on the global challenges and possible pathways? Would such a shift in the approach strengthen or deteriorate the credibility of science? What is the most effective way of infusing science into decision making at the time?
Register today to learn more about this fascinating area of ethics and responsibility in science.
About the IIASA public webinar series
Through its research on the world’s most complex challenges, IIASA produces unique scientific insights and possible solutions to many of the critical challenges we face: What are the best ways to tackle the climate crisis? What are the ways forward towards sustainable, resilient, just, and equitable societies?
The IIASA public webinar series provides a virtual platform to get to know our experts and to share research, opportunities, knowledge, experiences, while fostering new connections.
Upcoming Events
Biedermannsdorf Pfarrstadl (access via Kirchenplatz)
Interactive panel discussion featuring Elina Brutschin
University of Applied Arts, Vienna
IIASA colleagues presenting at the 5th Circular Strategies Symposium
Odeon Theater, Taborstraße 10, 1020 Vienna
End to begin: Interactive stage production addressing the state and future of our planet
Vienna, Austria and online