This IIASA 50th anniversary event will feature a collaboration between IIASA and the Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) addressing global, regional and local challenges with systems analysis.


Welcome Remarks

Keynote Presentation "Harnessing the Power of Systems Analysis"

Keynote Presentation "Systems Approach for Urban Risk, Energy and Climate Issues"

  • Madjid Abbaspour, Sharif University of Technology, Iran; Head, Board of Iranian Society of Environmentalists (IRSEN); Board member, Sharif Energy Water Environment Institute (SEWEI) Title: Urban climate resiliency systems in Iran
  • Yadollah Saboohi, Professor, Sharif University of Technology Title: Dynamics of energy systems transition in Iran
  • Hooman Motamed, Assistant Professor in Natural Hazards Risk Management, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES) Title: The needs for systems dynamic approach for urban resiliency to natural disaster

Panel Discussion on Global, Regional, and Local Challenges that could be addressed with Systems Analysis

  • Shonali Pachauri, Transformative Institutional and Social Solutions Research Group Leader, Energy, Climate and Environment Program Director, IIASA Title: IIASA Systems approaches to addressing energy climate and environmental challenges
  • Mohsen Ghafory-Ashtiany, Professor, IIEES; Associate Member, Academy of Sciences of Iran, INSF and IIASA NMO secretary for Iran; Title: Challenges of application of system dynamics in developing countries for urban resiliency: Experience of Iran
  • Panelists: Shonali Pachauri, Mohsen Ghafory-Ashtiany, Madjid Abbaspour, Yadollah Saboohi, and Hooman Motamed
  • Moderated by: Nadejda Komendantova, Cooperation and Transformative Governance Research Group Leader, IIASA

Moving Forward and Closing remarks

  • Leena Srivastava, IIASA Deputy Director General for Science
  • Mohsen Ghafory-Ashtiany, Professor, IIEES; Associate Member, Academy of Sciences of Iran, INSF and IIASA NMO secretary for Iran




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