IIASA Director General and CEO Albert van Jaarsveld will attend the Global Forum on Communication in Science - a hybrid event organized by the China Global Television Network (CGTN) and the China Association for Science and Technology, with the goal of strengthening international scientific cooperation between the science community and the world.

Global Forum on Communication in Science © © Anyaberkut |Dreamstime

This Global Forum brings together heads of science policy institutes of China, hundreds of academicians, young scientists, industrial practitioners, media professionals and representatives from international science organizations, for a total of more than 500 participating in Beijing and virtually.

IIASA Director General and CEO Albert van Jaarsveld will attend the event that includes the Grand Opening Ceremony, during which a Five-Year Outlook on science development will be published, the closed-door discussion and the academician’s forums to discuss the most cutting-edge innovation throughout the world.

The event promises fruitful discussions and international engagement. Confirmed international keynote speakers include Daya Reddy, President, International Science Council, Sudip Parikh, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Publisher, Science Journals, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Mohamed Hassan (confirmed), President, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS).

IIASA and China 

Research collaborations between IIASA and the People’s Republic of China have been highly productive since China became a national member of IIASA in 2002 through the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Since 2010, research collaborations between IIASA and China have focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable agriculture, water resources, disaster preparedness, demography, and the transition to a sustainable energy system in China. Underpinning the joint work is systems analysis – one of the few research tools with the breadth and depth to explore these complex problems across multiple sectors, countries, and timeframes. 

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