Join us for this thought-provoking special lecture as part of the "Voices for Climate" series at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, where IIASA Director General John Schellnhuber will share insights into innovative approaches to address the climate crisis. The event promises to be both informative and inspirational, offering a unique perspective on the urgent actions needed in the face of the current climate challenges.

This engaging series explores the multifaceted aspects of the climate crisis from diverse perspectives, ranging from the natural and social sciences to music, theology, and beyond.

***Please note that the lecture will be in German***

Lecture Overview: The climate crisis is omnipresent, affecting us all. How severe is it, truly, and what can we do to ensure a livable future for generations to come? Solutions abound, both small and large. Bauhaus Erde presents a new vision to mitigate the impacts of climate change and, perhaps, even repair the climate—a somewhat unconventional path out of the climate crisis.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights on climate change solutions.

Find out more about the Voices for Climate series at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, rewatch this lecture after 22 January or catch-up on the other parts of the Voices for Climate series on their YouTube channel.

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