The International Committee on New Integrated Climate Change Assessment Scenarios (ICONICS) and IIASA will launch the new Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) Extensions Explorer as part of the ICONICS webinar series.
Climate change researchers have proposed additional quantitative indicators that expand the portfolio of dimensions under the SSP scenario framework, which now includes a broad range of socioeconomic indicators from extreme poverty to gender equality. Through the new SSP Extensions Explorer, users can visualize, explore and download data for all identified indicators.
This new tool aims to create a user- and model-friendly interface that will exemplify itself as a one-stop shop for the SSP scenario extensions. The Explorer will also feature the motivations behind these extensions on the Behind the numbers page and available learning resources about the SSPs. Overall, the tool will facilitate a conversation on the next generation of scenarios.
Through this online launch facilitated by ICONICS, feedback will be collected from users to learn about more datasets and to discuss further developments.
NOTE: A confirmation email containing further details about the webinar will be sent after registration is complete.
Event Agenda
Presentation and Live Tutorial of the SSP Extensions Explorer
Feedback and Discussion
The SSP Extensions Explorer was supported by IIASA Innovative and Bridging Grant (IBGF) funding from August to December 2023.
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