IIASA Research Group Leader Shonali Pachauri will speak about energy access and equity considerations in energy transitions towards a low carbon future, during the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) Annual Conference 2022.
This year’s conference theme: Mapping the energy future - voyage in uncharted territory, addresses the complex environment surrounding energy markets and the challenges to reduce carbon emissions amid increasingly unstable geopolitical conditions and unforeseen rapid technological progress.
Pachauri will be a panelist in a plenary focusing on ensuring clean, affordable, and accessible energy for all.
The plenary will focus on key issues such as how to make clean energy available for productive use and economic growth in an age of exponential technological advancement; and how to balance decentralization and traditional energy models. Other questions that will be addressed include what new energy systems can be imagined, and, taking account of the fact that energy is crucial to improving quality of life, how this vision can be streamlined by addressing the climate emergency.
The 43rd IAEE Annual Conference is hosted by the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan, in partnership with with the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies.
1 August 2022 08:15-09:45 CEST Dual plenary 4: Clean, affordable, and accessible energy for all Chair Roula Inglesi-Lotz, Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics at University of Pretoria Speakers Rebecca Bregant, CMO, Pineberry and Board Member of the Alliance for Rural Electrification Anne McDonald, Professor, Sophia University ISGE Island Sustainability Unit Dadan Kusdiana, Director General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (NREEC) Shonali Pachauri, IIASA Research Group Leader and Principal Research Scholar |
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