IIASA and RITE co-organized an expert meeting in the framework of the Energy Demand changes Induced by Technological and Social innovations (EDITS) network to further the interdisciplinary dialogue in conceptualizing, analyzing, policy making, and modeling of energy demand and its interlinkages to climate change mitigation and the SDGs.

The EDITS network brings together experts of various disciplines to regularly discuss about and engage in the multi-faceted energy demand research. The EDITS community works together based on common interest in interlinked topics, on transferring methodological knowledge, and on exploring modeling innovations across demand-side models. 

Fish life transition © Photo 49831186| © Grafner | Dreamstime.com

The EDITS workshop 2022 is the fundamental basis for the collaborative research and modeling within the EDITS initiative. The meeting offered a forum for deep discussions on the one hand and a place to enhance specific workflows on the other hand.

The workshop provided platform for dialogues on provocative topics, including

1) what is needed to make the global LED narrative relevant in the diverse subglobal context,

2) how to successfully present and communicate about LED/LEMD scenarios,

3) what are the co-benefits of going towards LED futures.

At the same time, the community pursued progress towards research outputs. Each working group had dedicated sessions to proceed with their on-going or upcoming work, while sessions to showcase relevant research were also organized.

The Meeting was an invitation-only event, with a mixture of plenaries on progressive topics and working sessions. The agenda can be downloaded. Recording of the sessions and access to working materials are accessible for members and upon request.


If you want to know more about EDITS, please visit the website of the initiative.

EDITS Meeting Session 1 © Photo: Matthias Silveri / IIASA