On the occasion of the scoping meeting in Riga, Latvia, for the Special Report on Climate Change and Cities, to be included in the Seventh Assessment Report (AR7) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), collaborators of the EU CLIMAAX project and IPCC colleagues are holding a workshop to discuss advances in climate risk science and stakeholder needs for urban resilience.
SYRR staff is engaging in the workshop showcasing recent advances and bottlenecks in regional climate risk assessments. Representatives from the IPCC, the Horizon Europe project CLIMAAX and the Latvias Environmental, Geological and Meteorological Center (LVGMC) will provide their insights on latest developments in climate risk science, urban adaptation challenges as well as methods and processes for building resilience.
The European landscape of disaster risk management and climate adaptation is far from uniform.
CLIMAAX builds upon existing risk assessment frameworks, methods and tools, and promotes the use of datasets and service platforms for local and regional scale deployment. It will develop a robust and coordinated framework of consistent, harmonised and comparable risk assessments.
The project brings the existing tools and services beyond state-of-the-art by prioritizing the further development of accessibility, guidance, tuning to local contexts, interpretation and uptake by representative Disaster Risk Management and Civil Protection authorities.