The following statistics are from the last 5 full calendar years: 2020-2024
Publications about Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Title | Type | Publisher | Date Sort ascending | Journal |
Who will dominate the global fossil fuel trade? | article | Taylor & Francis | Economic Systems Research |
Publications co-authored with institutions in Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Title | Type | Publisher | Date Sort ascending | Journal |
Integrated global assessment of the natural forest carbon potential | article | Nature | ||
The global biogeography of tree leaf form and habit | article | Nature | Nature Plants | |
Native diversity buffers against severity of non-native tree invasions | article | Nature Publishing Group | Nature | |
The number of tree species on Earth | article | National Academy of Sciences | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | |
Mitigating losses: how scientific organisations can help address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on early-career researchers | article | NPG | Humanities and Social Sciences Communications | |
Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest-tree symbioses | article | Nature Publishing Group | Nature |
Publications by IIASA researchers from Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Projects related to Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Name | Start | End Sort ascending | Abbreviation | Classification |
Third phase of review of national air pollution emission inventory data | 2018 | 2020 | SR4 | Global |
COMMIT: Improve modelling capacity to support low emission development strategies | 2018 | 2020 | COMMIT | Global |
Integrated modelling for the Food and Land Use Coalition Global Report on the Transformation of Food and Land Use Systems | 2019 | 2020 | FOLU_GlobalRepo | Global |
Better understanding the challenges facing agriculture and the impacts of policies - A European platform to support modelling in agriculture | 2018 | 2020 | SUPREMA | Global |
EDAV: Extended data visualisation framework | 2019 | 2020 | EDAV | Global |
UN World Food Summit 2021 – Scoping phase | 2019 | 2020 | FAO_WFS | Global |
UNEP-FI Transition scenarios in banking phase II | 2020 | 2020 | UNEP-FI 2 | Global |
C-GLOPS 3: Copernicus Global Land Operations 3 | 2019 | 2020 | C-GLOPS 3 | Global |
Support for the Technical Assessment of Forest Reference Levels as requested by the LULUCF Regulation | 2018 | 2020 | FRL_MS | Global |
ALPS-10: ALternative Pathways toward Sustainable development and climate stabilization (ALPS) Project | 2019 | 2020 | ALPS-10 | Global |
Projects sponsored by funders from Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Number of times participants from Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) joined IIASA events
- Women
- Men
- Unknown
Total number of alumni from Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
27 June 2024
Exploring plant-based food alternatives to advance global sustainability
Shifting diets could yield major improvements for climate and biodiversity. IIASA researchers found that replacing half of all main meat and milk products with plant-based alternatives by 2050 can reduce agriculture and land userelated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 31% and halt the degradation of forests and natural land.

06 December 2022
Challenges and opportunities for a South American waterway system
Julian Hunt writes about the challenges and opportunities that the development of a South American Waterway System could bring to the region.