Austria is the host country of IIASA. The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the National Member Organization (NMO) representing Austria and entrusts the Austrian IIASA Committee with oversight of IIASA. 


IIASA Connect

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05 March 2025

Co-creating a stakeholder-oriented climate risk service in Austria

IIASA, as a project partner, developed and applied a co-creation methodology to identify the key issues and requirements of a drought climate risk service for Austria, together with stakeholders from relevant disciplines. IIASA also led the development of a handbook on the co-creation methodology, documenting the lessons learned and recommendations for future projects beyond the scope of the project.  
Master Global Demography

25 February 2025

Master Programme "Global Demography" at the University of Vienna

The Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, OeAW, University of Vienna) will start Master's Programme "Global Demography" at the University of Vienna with its fifth cohort of students in October 2025.
Sphere from various social media and computer icons.

14 February 2025

Strengthening citizen science and sustainability monitoring in Europe

Researchers from the IIASA Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability (NODES) Research Group are part of the newly launched RIECS-Concept (Towards A Pan-European Research Infrastructure for Excellent Citizen Science), a project designed to develop a conceptual framework for a pan-European citizen science research infrastructure. The initiative aims to enhance the role of citizen science in data collection, validation, and policy engagement, ensuring long-term sustainability and broader participation in scientific research across Europe.



Vibrant abstract representation of global cooperation with dynamic lines and earth graphic.

26 November 2024

How science diplomacy can help combat climate change

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), traditional approaches are not enough to meet the climate goals. In the search for new ways forward, science diplomacy could offer a powerful avenue for fostering the cooperation needed to develop effective solutions. IIASA 2024 Science Communication Intern, Moritz Boeswirth explored this topic.

Older mother hugging her little girl on couch in livingroom

11 November 2024

Why are people waiting longer to start a family? Exploring the trends, challenges, and choices behind delayed parenthood

Ahead of the Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2024 on Delayed Reproduction: Challenges and Prospects, which is set to take place from 21-22 November, researchers from the IIASA Population and Just Societies Program, the Vienna Institute of Demography, and the University of Vienna look into the shifting trends, drivers, and consequences of delayed parenthood.


Concept of disaster plan

Promoting disaster preparedness and resilience by co‐developing stakeholder support tools for managing the systemic risk of compounding disasters (PARATUS)


Future pathways of global value chains and their impacts on Austria (Future GVC)


Land Management for Sustainability (LAMASUS)

carbon pricing

Distributional implications of carbon pricing: energy costs, revenue recycling, and co-benefits (DICaP)
