AAR2 - Austrian Assessment Report on Climate Change
Land Management for Sustainability (LAMASUS)
Integrated Future Wildfire Hot Spot Mapping for Austria (Austria Fire Futures )
Developing circular pathways for a EU low-carbon transition (CircEUlar)
Assessing the distributional effects of climate change impacts and adaptation in Austria, for just, targeted and efficient adaptation (DISCC-AT)
Cognitive health in aging society – The role of context for cognitive functioning and related policy implications in Europe (CHIAS)
Sustainability Performances, Evidence and Scenarios (SPES)
Co-produced transformative knowledge to accelerate change for biodiversity (RAINFOREST)
Policy REcommendations to Maximise the beneficial Impact of Unexplored Mobilities in and beyond the European Union (PREMIUM_EU)
Citizens for Copernicus: Combing Copernicus and Crowdsource Data for Forest Resources Monitoring (C4C)
Distributional implications of carbon pricing: energy costs, revenue recycling, and co-benefits (DICaP)
Wind In My Backyard (WIMBY)
Mabadiliko ni sasa (Change is now): Co-designing a science-based climate peer-to-peer training for Kenya (ChangeIsNow)
Major levers in climate change adaptation in Austria (A-LEVERS)
Creating incentives for deep transformative changes in the building sector (TransBuild)
Multi-hazard and risk informed system for Enhanced local and regional Disaster risk management (MEDiate)
Promoting disaster preparedness and resilience by co‐developing stakeholder support tools for managing the systemic risk of compounding disasters (PARATUS)