The EU Horizon Project PRISMA (Net zero Pathway Research through Integrated Assessment Model Advancements) officially kicked-off!

The PRISMA kick-off meeting was host by RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment, in Milan, on the 13 and 14 of February 2023.

The PRISMA project aims to improve the Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) in order to develop robust policies toward the achievement of net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emission pathways, in line with the Paris Agreement goals. The project, coordinated by the RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment (Italy), includes of a consortium of 10 collaborators from 8 different European countries. IIASA is contributing with its research on technological change and financial efforts needed in the transformation towards net-zero GHG emissions and the coordination of data handling across the project.

For more info about the PRISMA project visit its page here.


From 12:30 Registration
13:30 – 14:00 Opening Remarks and Overview of the PRISMA project
 Massimo Tavoni and Johannes Emmerling (RFF-CMCC)
14: 00 – 15:00 Introductions of partner institutions and people (2 slides).
 Chairperson: Johannes Emmerling (RFF-CMCC)
15:00 – 15:30 Ice-breaking activity
15.30 – 16.40 Brief introduction of PRISMA Work Packages (10 min per WP)

 Chairperson: Johannes Emmerling (RFF-CMCC)
   WP1 - Co-design, stakeholder engagement, and model usability
      WP Leader: BRUEGEL
   WP2 - Entry-points to just and efficient transitions to net zero
      WP Leader: PIK
   WP3 - Climate finance and innovation
      WP Leader: E3M
   WP4 - Lifestyle, digitalisation, material efficiency, and circularity
      WP Leader: IIASA
   WP5 - SDGs synergies and trade-offs, and biophysical climate impacts
      WP Leader: PBL
   WP6 - Robust and resilient climate mitigation and adaptation pathways
      WP Leader: CMCC 
   WP7 - Management and Dissemination
      WP Leader: CMCC
16:40 - 17:10 Coffee Break
17:10 – 17:40 Horizon Europe Project Implementation and CINEA role

 Andreas Palialexis, Project Officer (CINEA, European Commission)


09:00 – 09:30 Ice breaker group self-presentations
 Chairperson: xxxx (RFF-CMCC)
09.30 – 11.00 Parallel Sessions
 Group 1: WP1
    Chairperson: BRUEGEL
 Group 2: WP
    Chairperson: PIK
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00 Parallel Sessions
  Group 1: WP3
    Chairperson: E3M
  Group 2: WP4
    Chairperson: IIASA
13:00 – 14:15 Light Lunch
14:15 – 15:45 Parallel Sessions
 Group 1: WP5
   Chairperson: PBL
 Group 2: WP6
   Chairperson: CMCC
15:45 – 17:00 Reporting back from the WP parallel sessions [10 min each + 5 min Q&A]
17:00 – 17:30 Coffee Break
17:30 – 17:45 Summary of the day and Closing discussion

 Chairperson: Johannes Emmerling (RFF-CMCC)


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