The annual European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly took place from April 14-19, 2024, in Vienna. The FLAM Team participated significantly as conveners, oral presenters, and poster exhibitors in various sessions.

In the Biogeosciences Session, Hyun-Woo Jo presented a study titled Integrating Human Domain Knowledge into Artificial Intelligence for Hybrid Forest Fire Prediction: Case Studies from South Korea and Italy which highlighted the adaptability and adjustability of FLAM to accurately predict and analyze forest fire dynamics in South Korea and Italy using Artificial Intelligence coupled with process-based algorithms at various scales. Projections of fire frequency under climate change (CMIP6) scenarios and forest management options were presented.

Additionally, Shelby Corning and Andrey Krasovskiy with colleagues from Italy and Portugal convened a two day session titled: “Spatial and temporal patterns of wildfires: models, theory, and reality,” which aimed to share insights from studies on the understanding of wildfire patterns, post-fire recovery and restoration, and wildfire mitigation strategies by bringing together a diverse group of experts. Participants discussed innovative tools and methods for analyzing and modeling wildfires at various scales, focusing on their spatial-temporal patterns and associated risk factors. Presentations covered global studies, as well as regional studies including projects found across Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Australia.

FLAM team at EGU24 © Johanna San Pedro | IIASA

FLAM team at EGU24

Andrey and Shelby chaired both oral and poster sessions. At the poster session, Johanna San Pedro presented a poster entitled: Modeling Wildfire Dynamics in Latin America Using the FLAM Framework,” which provided insights into the application of FLAM across Latin American countries, including analysis of historical burned areas for several vegetation classes and future projections under climate change scenarios.

The team had fruitful discussions with a wildfire community and is excited to share more about the model and its advancement at future events. Looking forward, the team will be in IUFRO to be held in Stockholm, Sweden from 23 to 29 June 2024 where they will take advantage of the coming-together of  experts and researchers in the field of forestry, wildfire management, and natural hazards and nurture collaborations.



11 March 2025

IIASA provides insights on research, technology, and innovation to Austrian federal states

IIASA contributed to the Austrian Bundesländerdialog — a forum bringing together the federal government, representatives of different states, and other interested institutions to discuss recent developments in research, technology, and innovation. It provided an important platform to increase IIASA’s visibility in the Austrian federal states and strengthen connections with key stakeholders in research and innovation.

05 March 2025

Co-creating a stakeholder-oriented climate risk service in Austria

IIASA, as a project partner, developed and applied a co-creation methodology to identify the key issues and requirements of a drought climate risk service for Austria, together with stakeholders from relevant disciplines. IIASA also led the development of a handbook on the co-creation methodology, documenting the lessons learned and recommendations for future projects beyond the scope of the project.  
Master Global Demography

25 February 2025

Master Programme "Global Demography" at the University of Vienna

The Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, OeAW, University of Vienna) will start Master's Programme "Global Demography" at the University of Vienna with its fifth cohort of students in October 2025.