IIASA researchers will present their work at the “Lower Austria Research Festival 2023 - Forschungsfest Niederösterreich”, organized by the Section of Science and Research of the Province of Lower Austria.

Numerous research institutions based in Lower Austria will explain science and their own research projects in an understandable and entertaining way to a variety of participants. Children, teenagers as well as adults will be able to get in touch directly with scientists, ask interesting questions, participate in experiments and conduct scientific tests themselves.

IIASA researchers will present their work to curious participants of all ages and backgrounds as part of the Climate-Risk-Service-Project (CRiSDA), funded by the Austrian Climate Research Program (ACRP). Participants will discover how we could adapt to climate change and the associated drought, which can lead to drought in agriculture in Austria. A map will be used to see how very different Austrian regions will be affected by drought and how, for example, agriculture could be protected from damage. IIASA scholars will engage with the participants to elaborate answers to exciting questions such as "What climate information do we need to make the right decisions for the future?” and "Who actually needs all the information?".

For more information about this event (free entry) please click here.

Identifying tools and methods to co-create a climate risk service for managing drought risk in Austria (CRiSDA)

The overall objective of CRiSDA is to support knowledge-based comprehensive climate-risk management (CRM) by developing a participatory process for co-creating and researching essential tools and methodologies towards a drought climate risk service for Austria.

Project details

Project duration: 1 October 2022 – 30 November 2024
Funding Agency: Österreichischer Klima- und Energiefonds (Austrian Climate and Energy Fund)
Funding Program: Austrian Climate Research Program (ACRP), ACRP – 13th Call, KR20AC0K17979

Thematic Area: Specific support for Austria’s policymakers