IIASA researchers will present their work to the curious audience attending “The Lower Austria Research Festival 2022 - Forschungsfest Niederösterreich”, organized by the Section of Science and Research of the Province of Lower Austria.
Numerous research institutions based in Lower Austria will explain science and their research in an understandable and entertaining way to participants. Children, teenagers as well as adults will be able to get in touch directly with scientists, ask interesting questions and even participate in experiments and conduct scientific tests themselves.
Also IIASA researchers will present their work to curious audiences of all ages and backgrounds, namely an interactive Policy Simulation on transport in Vienna developed in the RECREATE-project. Participants will be able to take on the roles of local stakeholders (e.g., in the mobility and transport sector) whilst addressing the issues of decreasing emissions and public space management in Vienna. The participants will debate and decide (with their smartphones) on fictional yet plausible policy propositions that aim to respond to real problems that the city faces.
For more information on the event (free entry) please click here.