IIASA is co-organizing a policy simulation at a satellite event of the INGSA2021 conference in Montreal. This event will provide participants with an opportunity to explore international science diplomacy through an immersive role-play experience and a virtual simulation proposed by the Centre for Systems Solutions (CRS).

beads © Aykut Erdogdu | Dreamstime.com

This International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) satellite event proposes a policy simulation as a transboundary foundation, grounding participants in a timely real-world complex situation. Participants will explore how globally relevant climate change impacts, occurring outside a geopolitical region, and the economic and social responses to these impacts might cascade into its political boundaries.

The simulation takes place in the near future and focuses on the social and environmental challenges connected with the increasing demand for rare earth minerals needed for a clean energy transition. To address these challenges, an international group of committed countries, organizations, universities, and research institutes form a working group to develop a proposition for a new regulation - the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Charter on Raw Materials for Energy Transition.

The simulation is offered by CRS , organized by IIASA, in partnership with the Fonds de Recherche du Québec and INGSA.

Raw Materials Challenge - Policy Simulation
Cascading Climate Impacts across Geopolitical Boundaries

• 14:00 - Introduction to the simulation 
• 14:30 - Start of simulation game 
• 16:30 - Debrief on the simulation game 
• 17:00 - (Optional) Networking on IIASA Kumospace.  

To take part, please register* below. Please note that you will receive a Zoom link to participate, as well as additional information on the simulation a few days before the event.

*This event is a role playing game in which participants have to be active. To ensure optimal experience, please make sure to block off your calendar if you wish to register and take part, and only register if you fully intend to participate. 

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