IIASA will host the upcoming annual meeting of the IEA Bioenergy Task 45: Climate and Sustainability Effects of Bioenergy within the broader Bioeconomy.

Task 45 is part of the IEA Bioenergy, a Technology Collaboration Programme set up by the International Energy Agency (IEA). The objective of Task 45 is to identify and address critical issues related to the climate and other sustainability effects of bioenergy and biobased products and systems. The aim is to promote sound development for bioenergy as an integral component of the overall bioeconomy. This objective will be achieved by providing analyses that support well-informed decisions by land-owners, communities, businesses, governments and others. A key goal is to increase understanding of the environmental, social and economic impacts of producing and using biomass for bioenergy, within the broader bioeconomy. A central aspect concerns the development and application of science-based methodologies and tools for assessing the effects of biobased systems.

For the meeting at IIASA, Task 45 members from the participating countries (Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the USA) will come together at IIASA. As a close collaborator, Florian Kraxner (IIASA/AFE) will support the Austrian team led by Dina Bacovsky from the BEST-Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies Research Institute.

During the meeting, the three work packages of the Task 45 will be discussed: WP1 – Metrics, methods, and tools for assessing climate change effects of bioenergy;  WP2 – Metrics, methods and tools for assessing sustainability effects of bioenergy (excluding climate change effects) and WP3 – Sustainability stakeholders and implementation approaches (governance).

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