The title of the VII MEET International Conference is: "Economic, social and civilization challenges in the globalizing world.” Nadejda Komendantova who leads the IIASA Cooperation and Transformative Governance Research Group, is a member of the Conference Scientific Committee and will give two talks at the event.

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The International conference MEET (MANAGEMENT, ECONOMICS, ETHICS, TECHNICS) has been held at the Saint Petersburg mining University since 2014. For six years, the conference has been an open discussion platform for discussing topical management, social, economic and environmental problems and priorities in the sustainable development of the extractive industries, as well as the development of international scientific and technical cooperation in the field of rational management of mineral resources, the use of remote methods international interaction in the field of science and education.

This year's conference is organized by the Faculty of Economy at the Saint Petersburg Mining University (Russia) and the Department of Economics and Computer Science at the Silesian University of Technology (Poland). The scope of the conference includes the following issues:

  • Economic and social problems of modern business and society in the global economy;
  • Sustainable economic development of the mineral resource complex in the post-pandemic period;
  • Questions of strategic management and planning in the companies of the mineral resource complex;
  • Modern energy challenges: economic development of hydrocarbon energy and renewable energy technologies;
  • Formation of a circular economy in the mineral resources complex;
  • Strategic forecasting of the oil and gas complex development in the Arctic.

As a member of the Scientific Committee Komendantova will give a welcome address at the opening of the conference and will talk about the aims of the event and the issues that it will tackle. She will give two further presentations.

In Session 3 dedicated to Questions of strategic management and planning in the companies of the mineral resource complex and to Sustainable economic development of the mineral resource complex in the post-pandemic period Komendantova will speak on assessing the development strategy of the downstream sector of oil companies: the case of PJSC "Rosneft Oil Company".

Her presentation in Session 6 "Student section" is titled "The possibility of introducing carbon dioxide sequestration projects in Russia based on foreign experience."

Click here for the conference program or to register.

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