The annual meeting of the LAMASUS project will take place at the end of November 2023. Senior Research Scholar Linda See (and LAMASUS work package leader) will present the status of the LAMASUS geodatabase on land use management to the consortium and to the science and policy advisory board.
The aim of the EU-funded LAMASUS project is to develop an integrated modelling framework to support policy needs related to the EU Green Deal and its many integrated policies, targets, and actions. The proposed model toolbox will allow a variety of stakeholders to investigate the impacts of different policy options while gaining a better understanding of the drivers and impacts of land use change.
A key input to these models will be information on how the land in Europe is used and managed. NODES is leading the work package on the development of a land use management geodatabase, building on the Corine land cover product from the European Environment Agency and the Copernicus land monitoring system, and integrating this with other available European and national statistical and remotely sensed data sets. The requirements and technical specification for the geodatabase are outlined in a deliverable, available from the LAMASUS website.
The annual meeting of the LAMASUS project will bring together the consortium of 17 partners from 8 countries across Europe and a policy advisory board comprising EU-level policy makers and agencies to discuss progress to date.