IIASA and the Energy Analysis and Policy (EAP) program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison will host a webinar to discuss the outcomes of COP26 and implications for climate action around the world.

cop26 © UniMadison

World leaders and diplomats have just concluded their deliberations at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) to negotiate a global climate agreement and update their countries' plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. COP26 is widely regarded as a crucial opportunity to achieve pivotal, transformational change in global climate policy. Countries were asked to set bold targets to phase out carbon-emitting energy sources, end deforestation, invest in resilient infrastructure, and provide financing to support sustainable development.

IIASA and the Energy Analysis and Policy program (EAP) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are hosting an energy and climate webinar to discuss the outcomes of COP26 and implications for climate action around the world. What happened at COP26, what comes next, and what does it mean for you? 

This is an online event that will take place on Zoom, please register to receive a link.




Participants include:

  • Joeri Rogelj, Senior Research Scholar, Integrated Assessment and Climate Change Research Group – Energy, Climate, and Environment Program, IIASA and COP26 participant.
  • Shonali Pachauri, Research Group Leader, Transformative Institutional and Social Solutions Research Group, Energy, Climate, and Environment Program, IIASA and COP26 participant.
  • Greg Nemet, La Follette School of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison and IIASA Young Scientist Summer Program alumni.

Full full details click here

IIASA/University of Wisconsin-Madison Partnership

IIASA and the University of Wisconsin-Madison formed a new collaborative program this year: the IIASA/UW-Madison Partnership. The program establishes a long-term relationship between these two premier research institutions in the areas of energy, climate, and environment, with the goal to enhance education, research, and the role of science in diplomacy and international understanding. The Energy Analysis and Policy (EAP) is a graduate certificate and doctoral minor program at UW-Madison with an interdisciplinary approach to energy systems and the policies that shape them.

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