In the face of mounting societal challenges and financial uncertainties, the in-person NATURANCE Festival is dedicated to unravelling the financial, insurance, and investment opportunities that nature-based solutions (NbS) offer. Join us as we explore the untapped potential of the natural world to provide sustainable solutions to our most pressing problems.
The Festival will serve as a forum for presenting the work, not only of Naturance partners but also of related Horizon EU Projects, including PIISA, INVEST4NATURE, INBESTSOIL, FIRELOGUE, and BIOSERVICES. We will engage with the Naturance Knowledge Networks to discuss the leading concerns of practitioners in the areas of insurance and nature-based solutions.
There will be presentations on Naturance Innovation Labs, including IIASA’s on “Harnessing insurance to promote nature-based solutions for wildfire risk management,” as well as an opportunity to be involved and shape the next round of Innovation Labs. These Labs develop a business case for insurance products that can promote the adoption of Nature-based Solutions and further climate and biodiversity objectives. They support collaborations between academics and practitioners to find innovative solutions.

The two-day Festival will run from May 23-24, and will feature inspiring keynotes, plenaries, focused breakout groups, and knowledge exchange sessions. It will take place at IIASA, with some sessions extending into the Laxenburg Schlosspark. John Schellnhuber, Director General of IIASA, will provide an opening keynote.
For more information and registration to the festival visit the website.
The NATURANCE project is funded by the Coordination and Support Actions of the Horizon Europe Framework Programme. The main objective of the NATURANCE project is to examine technical, financial and operational feasibility and performance of solutions that are built upon and combine disaster risk financing & investments with Nature-based Solutions (NbS).