IIASA demographer, Anne Goujon is invited to deliver a keynote speech at the DGD Annual Conference 2023 organized by the German Society for Demography (DGD) in Koblenz.

The DGD Annual Conference 2023 "Regional Population Trends in Germany and Europe. Causes and Consequences" provides a forum for the presentation of the latest scientific findings and space for discussion about the possibilities of their practical application and implementation. It is explicitly aimed at interested parties from politics, administration and planning. The thematic focus of the upcoming meeting is on regional disparities of population development in Germany and Europe.

POPJUS Program Director, Dr. Goujon together with Fabrizio Natale from the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) will present the trends in population change for different geographical scales, from municipalities to regions in the EU, and what shapes them.

For more information about the conference and the program please visit the event website.

Thursday, March 16, 2023 | 13.30 - 14.00

Disparities in Europe: Trends and implications at different geographical scales


The challenges brought by aging and depopulation in Europe have put demography at the top of the EU agenda, with a strong emphasis on assessing the disparities that exist between countries, but also, and above all within countries, at territorial level, which is highly relevant for economic vitality and social cohesion among others. In this presentation, we will show the trends in population size and age structure at different geographical scales, from municipalities to regions in the EU, and how these are shaped by the mobility of people over the life course. We will link these findings about the disparities to the drivers and impacts of these trends on the regional labor markets and economies, access to services, digital divides, and climate change.