IIASA researcher Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz and IIASA alumnus Verena Winiwarter will speak at this year’s Joint Academy Day between the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society of Canada. Discussion will focus on global challenges such as food security, environmental change, poverty, and sustainable responses to Covid-19.

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The Austrian Academy of Sciences is inviting representatives  of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC) to a multidisciplinary exchange to consolidate and strengthen scientific links between Austria and Canada, In this third Joint Academy Day, experts from both academies, will discuss societal and scientific global challenges and how to best address them from perspectives from either sides of the Atlantic.

Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, IIASA researcher in the Social Cohesion, Health, and Wellbeing Research Group and IIASA Alumnus Verena Winiwarter will participate in the panel discussion “Interdisciplinary Responses to Global Challenges”. They will highlight the need for interdisciplinary and systems thinking to address global challenges at the intersection of economics, governance, science, technology, human behavior, health and well-being, and social justice.

Due to the pandemic, this year's “Joint Academy Day” will take place as a webinar and is explicitly aimed at the public.

IIASA and Austria

Research collaborations between IIASA and Austria have been highly productive throughout IIASA’s history. Since 2008, this cooperation has involved over 50 Austrian organizations and led to over 1000 scientific publications. Recent joint studies include an in-depth assessment of climate change in Austria, analyses of demographic change in Austria, investigations into the potential of biofuels in Austria, and the development of innovative techniques to collect land use data. Systems analysis underpins this joint work - providing the research one of the few research tools with the breadth and depth to explore complex global problems and their impact at the national level. More information

IIASA and Canada

IIASA researchers have collaborated with over 30 research partners in Canada. 12 Canadian students have participated in the Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP), which develops the research skills and networks of talented PhD students. For the YSSP and the Postdoctoral Program, IIASA gives preference to applicants from member countries. 121 Canadians have visited IIASA and participated in IIASA organized events. IIASA researchers have visited Canada 62 times to attend conferences, present their research, and to discuss research collaborations and activities. Canadian-IIASA collaborations have results in more than 200 publications.