H.E. Dr. Martina Lubyová, Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, visited IIASA on 24th June to learn more about research activities of the institute and explore possible areas of scientific collaboration.

H.E. Dr. Martina Lubyová © IIASA

H.E. Dr. Martina Lubyová, Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, met with IIASA Director General Dr. Albert van Jaarsveld to explore ways to launch stronger collaborations between IIASA and the Slovak Republic, former member country of IIASA. The Minister was introduced to IIASA, its history, and its current and future research agenda. Minister Lubyová was accompanied by H.E. Mr. Peter Mišík, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to the International Organizations in Vienna, and Ms. Ľubica Plšková, Advisor to the Minister. From the IIASA side Dr. Elena Rovenskaya, Program Director, Advanced Systems Analysis Program, and Acting Program Director, Evolution and Ecology Program, and Mr. Iain Stewart, Head of External Relations, Communications and Library Department, participated in the meeting.

L-R: Iain Stewart, Elena Rovenskaya, Albert van Jaarsveld, Martina Lubyová, Peter Mišík © IIASA

L-R: Iain Stewart, Head of IIASA External Relations, Communications, and Library Department; Elena Rovenskaya, Program Director of IIASA Advanced Systems Analysis Program and Acting Program Director of IIASA Evolution and Ecology Program; Albert van Jaarsveld, IIASA Director General and CEO; Martina Lubyová, Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic; Peter Mišík, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to the International Organizations in Vienna