This workshop aims to bring together experts in the field of biodiversity monitoring, data collection, data integration and modeling to discuss and explore the existing, emerging, and potential future workflows for generating Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) and how they can be implemented at the European scale.
The workshop will be held over the course of three days, with sessions lasting for two hours around midday each day. Day 1 will begin with a brief introduction to EBV workflows, followed by break-out sessions to explore and describe workflows for specific EBVs (with aspects of data collection, data integration, modeling). We will focus on the EBV list that has been identified by EuropaBON (https://github.com/EuropaBON/EBV-Descriptions).
On Day 2, we will continue describing the specific details of EBV workflows, probably with a stronger focus on identifying the future needs and requirements for creating an EU-wide monitoring system for supporting EBVs.
On Day 3, we will aim for a cross-EBV workflow synthesis by assessing the overarching similarities and bottlenecks for implementing EBV workflows at a European scale, e.g. in terms of IT infrastructure needs or different monitoring approaches (structured programs, citizen science, eDNA, digital sensors, and remote sensing techniques). While you are welcome to attend individual sessions, we encourage you to participate in all three days to make a significant step towards building a European Biodiversity Observation Network.
For more information on EuropaBON or the workshop, please contact [email protected]
Please also join our network and become a member of EuropaBON!