IIASA researchers will participate in the American Geosciences Union Fall Meeting 2020 presenting research on climate adaptation and vulnerability, air quality, Earth sciences, water systems, energy, the impacts of systems and more. 

presenting climate adaptation and vulnerability © Drawlab19 | Dreamstime

The AGU fall meeting will be one of the world’s largest virtual scientific conferences, and this year focuses on “Shaping the Future of Science?” AGU 2020 sessions bring together the IIASA network by featuring the institute’s researchers, alumni, and collaborators.


After celebrating their Centennial year, AGU turns their focus to the opportunities, discoveries, and solutions that will shape future generations and society. At this year’s meeting IIASA Acting Water Program Director Yoshihide Wada will be presented with the James B. Macelwane Medal 2020. His groundbreaking research crosses disciplinary boundaries and looks at water management and systems modeling from the perspective of both the social sciences and natural sciences.

To arrange interviews with IIASA researchers please contact the IIASA Press Office

Below is a selection of IIASA related sessions and papers. 

full list of IIASA participation appears here, and please visit the AGU Program page for the full program. 


Wednesday, 9 December

U006 - Modeling Multisector Dynamics to Inform Adaptive Pathways
Convener: Yoshihide Wada, Water Program 

GC035-03 - Global Hunger and Climate Change Adaptation through International Trade
Charlotte Janssens, Tamas Krisztin, Stefan Frank, David Leclere, Hugo Valin, Petr Havlik, Justin Baker, Ecosystem Services and Management (ESM) Program
Tomoko Hasegawa, Ritsumeikan University, Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) 2009
Erwin Schmid, BOKU, IIASA alum and Austrian National Member Organization (NMO) Committee member

GC040-0002 - The Impact of Risk Transfer Mechanisms on Smallholder Farmer Climate Adaptation
Matthias Wildemeersch, Advanced Systems Analysis (ASA) Program
Nicolas Choquette-Levy, Princeton University, YSSP 2019
Simon Levin, Princeton University, former Council Member for the US and former US Committee Chair


Friday, 11 December

GC064 - Multisector Dynamics: Energy–Water–Land Interactions at Multiple Scales I
Conveners: Adriano Vinca, Energy Program and Zarrar Khan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, YSSP 2015

A111-0017 - Revisiting exposure-response functions for six morbidity endpoints associated with short-term PM2.5 exposures and an application of the cost-and-benefit of air pollution control in Asia using an integrated assessment framework
Gregor Kiesewetter, Fabian Wagner, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases (AIR) Program
Muye Ru, Duke University, YSSP 2019 


Monday, 14 December

H152-05 - Co-development of transformation pathways for the integrated management of water-energy-land resources in the Zambezi basin
Barbara Willaarts, Taher Kahil, Peter Burek, Ting Tang, Simon Langan, Yoshihide Wada, Water Program
Amanda Palazzo, Michiel Van Dijk, Peter Havlik, ESM Program
Piotr Magnuszewski, Risk and Resilience (RISK) Program