The IIASA Water Security Research Group will co-convene a session at Stockholm International Water Institute World Water Week 2021 as a partner of the Groundwater Solutions Initiative for Policy and Practice.

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World Water Week 2021 is an annual event organized by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) that brings together thought leaders and participants from more than 170 countries to explore how water can help address humanity’s biggest challenges such as the climate crisis, poverty, and biodiversity loss. At this year's meeting the IIASA Water Security (WAT) Research Group will co-convene a session with the Groundwater Solutions Initiative for Policy and Practice (GRIPP).

The session: Valuing Partnerships and (Trans-) Formative Processes for Resilience from the Subsurface, will  bring together stakeholders who are engaged and interested in sustainable developmental issues that link in one way or another to groundwater and aquifers. IIASA WAT Research Group Leader Taher Kahil will deliver a presentation about the water, food, and energy nexus highlighting how to incorporate groundwater at integrated scales.

No pre-knowledge is required to participate in the session and a key objective is to make groundwater compelling, relevant and of key importance to all players in the global development agenda. It will provide a summary and representation of activities of five years of work under GRIPP, providing key outcomes and impacts from partners of this global initiative. Furthermore, it will provide snapshots of partners' dedicated efforts in developmental groundwater contexts from all over the world, focusing on partnership-building and capacity development. 

More information about the session.




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