The following statistics are from the last 5 full calendar years: 2020-2024


Publications about South Africa
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Publications co-authored with institutions in South Africa
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Publications by IIASA researchers from South Africa
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Projects related to South Africa
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Projects sponsored by funders from South Africa
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  • Women
  • Men
Staff members from South Africa
  • Women
  • Men
YSSPers from South Africa
  • Women
  • Men
  • Unknown
Total number of alumni from South Africa
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Beijing skyline

29 November 2023

Embracing ecological perspectives, tools, and models to navigate the digital economy

Digitalization has ushered in new markets worldwide and in BRICS countries. However, the concentration of market power and digital resources by only a handful of digital platform ecosystems (DPEs) has also triggered new governance challenges, particularly, for BRICS countries. As part of the dissemination process of the ECOANTITRUST initiative, Elena Rovenskaya delivered a presentation on the adoption of ecological insights and tools to improve understanding of the complex nature of digital platforms, their ecosystems, and their interactions with the wider economy.
Egypt on blue digital planet Earth with network

22 December 2021

Launch of the North Africa Applied Systems Analysis Centre

In collaboration with the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and the Institute of National Planning, IIASA is proud to announce the launch of the North Africa Applied Systems Analysis Center (NAASAC).
Highway cutting through the countryside

19 October 2021

Road impacts on ecosystems in sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa is developing rapidly. With growing economies and increased trade, major road infrastructure plans have been developed for the region, which also hosts some of the world’s most unique and diverse ecosystems. New research looked into how roads might impact ecosystems in the region.


09 November 2023

IIASA Connect: Building impactful regional communities

Options Magazine, Winter 2023: As IIASA Connect brings together the global systems analysis community, it also acts as a hub for regional communities to connect and engage.
IIASA Connect

08 November 2023

Adapting water needs for agriculture in South Africa

Options Magazine, Winter 2023: In many parts of the world, access to freshwater is becoming increasingly scarce. Nowhere is this truer than in South Africa, which experienced a significant drought from 2015 to 2018.


SDGPAthfinding_title image

SDG-pathfinding: Co-creating Pathways for Sustainable Development in Africa (SDG-pathfinding)

Senior couple with nordic walking poles hiking in snow-covered winter nature.

The Demography of Sustainable Human Wellbeing (EmpoweredLifeYears)

Pollution management

Pollution Management and Environmental Health (PMEH)