The following statistics are from the last 5 full calendar years: 2020-2024


Publications about Canada
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Publications co-authored with institutions in Canada
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Publications by IIASA researchers from Canada
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Projects related to Canada
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Projects sponsored by funders from Canada
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  • Women
  • Men
Staff members from Canada
  • Women
  • Men
Postdoctoral researchers from Canada
  • Women
  • Men
YSSPers from Canada
  • Women
  • Men
  • Unknown
Total number of alumni from Canada
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IIASA participants in front of the venue (Little Finlandia Conference Hall, Helsinki)

13 September 2023

FLAM Sparks Interest and Conversation at the 2023 IBFRA Conference in Helsinki

Boreal forests often bring to mind a winter wonderland: spruce and pine forests as far as the eye can see, fluffy snow dotted with reindeer beneath a nighttime sky brightened by the aurora borealis. Climate change threatens this fragile, pristine habitat that spans 8 countries in the far north. Now boreal forests are associated not just with snowy landscapes, they are becoming synonymous with raging wildfires and massive plumes of smoke, such as those found currently in Canada. Mitigating the threats posed by climate change in this unique ecosystem and discussing the most recent boreal-related research is the focus of the International Boreal Forest Association conference. Organized in large part by IIASA’s own Florian Kraxner, IBFRA 2023 was held in Helsinki, Finland, where researchers from around the globe gathered to discuss recent findings, foster new connections, and contribute to a plan of attack to save boreal forests as we know them.
IIASA Interns

30 August 2023

The IIASA Summer Experience: A Blend of Learning and Experience in a nurturing atmosphere

Every summer, IIASA turns into a buzzing hub of knowledge seekers, and this year is no different! The AFE FLAM team welcomed three interns and three YSSP fellows this summer and we took a moment to chat with Rasheed, Adrian, Laura, and Lawrence about their experiences and goals.
Toronto skyline in Ontario, Canada

20 April 2023

IIASA Director General visits Canada

IIASA Director General Albert van Jaarsveld attended the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) joint Council and Program Directors' meeting on 17 April and a symposium on misinformation from 18-19 April as part of the CIFAR Research Council.


27 June 2024

IIASA works with the Bank of Canada to strengthen monetary policy using agent-based modeling

Scientists from the Advancing Systems Analysis Program, in collaboration with the Bank of Canada, developed a next-generation model for monetary  policy analysis and projections.
Bank of Canada
Man Holding Walleye Fishing Fish Fisherman

12 August 2021

Warming waters, evolution, and the future for fisheries policy

Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) participant Lyndsie Wszola explores how human interactions with warming freshwater systems have affected the evolution of fish species through the lens of the North American walleye. 


View of the snow-covered street of the northern arctic city

Building Arctic Futures: Transport Infrastructures and Sustainable Northern Communities (INFRANORTH)