The aim of the Premium_EU project funded by Horizon Europe is to explore the impacts and benefits of European migration - between and within countries - and how it contributes to the development of vulnerable regions in Europe. The consortium of researchers will utilize quantitative modeling and qualitative case studies to better understand and model the socioeconomic and demographic impacts of migration and will provide user-friendly tools to policymakers to support evidence-based policymaking.

The data, knowledge and models produced in the PREMIUM_EU project will be integrated into Regional Policy Dashboard (RPD) – a tool for national and regional policy makers to help them formulate policies so to grasp the potential of mobility for enhanced regional inclusive growth and wellbeing. The Regional Policy Dashboard combines all available knowledge of three domains in three modules:

•The Mobility Module will present users with past trends and projection and scenarios. Innovative methodologies will be used to combine traditional migration statistics with novel geocoded data from social media usage. Moreover, mobility flows will take into account the human capital dimension, which allows to study brain drain and brain gain processes. A typology of regions based on the mix of different types of mobility will be developed.

•The Regional Development Effects Module will summarize available data on regional development into a regional development typology. The Project’s definition of development is multidimensional and goes beyond economic measures of development. Causal modeling of mobility and regional development will point at the key drivers of mobility relevant to development, and the reverse relation of the key regional determinants of inward and outward moves.

•The Policy Module will collect and systematize a palette of relevant policies and link them to the regional profiles in the mobility/regional development typology. The tool will give policymakers and other stakeholders the opportunity to explore this policy database as well as to feed their experiences into the RPD.

IIASA will contribute multidimensional national and subnational demographic models and population projections to this evidence-based tool. MDM researchers will lead work package 3 (WP3) "New Mobility Projections" and contribute to work package 5 (WP5) "Mobility Case Studies on the Causes and Consequences of Mobility". WP3 package will deliver data and knowledge (including multidimensional population projections) that enhance understanding of future mobility flows at national and subnational levels, their socio-demographic makeup, and imprint on demographic change of these regions. The estimates of migration flows will be incorporated into a multidimensional population model which will project populations of European regions by age, gender, nativity status, and education/skill level. WP5 aims to develop an in-depth understanding of the motivations and consequences of migrants in Europe. IIASA will work together with researchers from Hacetteppe University in Ankara to map and explore mobility patterns and decisions of Turkish migrants in Austria and in Turkey.

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