Sequestration-CZ is a Czech national project implemented by three research partners and a private company, scientifically supporting the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic with implementing national policy steering carbon farming. It prepares conceptual documents for introducing carbon-friendly farming to agricultural holdings, respecting national specificities in Czechia.

Sequestration-CZ identifies regionally-specific model farming systems enabling long-term C sequestration on agricultural land, which are suitable for farms of different typologies and applicable to at least 25% of Czech farms and enterprises. The systems’ functionality is verified in field trials for use in pilot types of agricultural farms. Regional simulation models are used to predict their effectiveness for the future climate.  The consortium partners collaborate with government institutions of the Czech Republic as well as with farmers in the Czech sector of ecological agriculture.

In WP4, the AFE team leads the biophysical modelling of crop yield and soil carbon at a regional scale. This involves downscaling and adaptation of EPIC-IIASA for Czechia (EPIC-IIASA CZ version), modelling of carbon response curves of the selected carbon farming systems in NUTS3 regions for current and future climates, and scenario analysis of land-use change sequestration potential.


Main objectives:

  • Review of possible long-term C sequestration systems as well as reviews of analytical, methodological, and legislative documents of the European Commission related to carbon agriculture.
  • Estimating the carbon sequestration potential in agricultural land in the Czech Republic at NUTS3 level.
  • Proposing steps for the implementation of carbon farming principles in several types of farms and agricultural enterprises.
  • Estimating the cost and shadow prices of C sequestration systems in the Czech Republic.



Crop Research Institute (CRI) Czechia
Czech University of Life Sciences (CULS) Czechia
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Austria
Czech Organics, s. r. o. Czechia