In the light of new technologies and their serious impact on societies and the environment, and in the rise of global changes in natural hazards, the need for cooperation and shared understanding for shaping the future of disaster risk reduction has become clearer than ever. This year’s Disaster Research Days events are more focused on this goal, and IIASA's Cooperation and Transformative Governance Research Group leader, Nadejda Komendantova, was invited to share her innovative insights.

This year, Vienna was hosting the Disaster Research Days, an international event, held on October 8th to 10th and organized by “United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)”, “Disaster Competence Network Austria”, “European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)”, “Austrian Ministry of Finance”, and “Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research”. This year’s event is focused on scientists, decision-makers, policymakers, and experts to come together and “shape the future of science and research for disaster risk reduction”.

On the second day of the event, IIASA’s ASA program CAT group leader, Nadejda Komendantova, was invited as one of the distinguished panelists to share her insights and rich experience for shaping the future of first responses in times of disaster. The panel was focused on discussing the innovative ways in the digital era to help first responders in their missions. As an expert in cooperative risk governance, foresight analysis, AI methods of risk analysis, and stakeholder engagement, she shared insights on how the new concepts like multi-risk governance, theory of change, behavioral analysis, and AI tools can come together to help promote the first respond missions’ impacts.

Komendantova’s discussion and insights showed that one effective way to increase these impacts is through the integration of participatory decision-making, compromise-oriented policy solutions, and AI-boosted decision support systems. This has been demonstrated by her team in several H2020 projects (e.g., MEDiate, PARATUS, CORE, and Adaptation AGORA).

Read more about the Disaster Research Days 2024 here.


Master Global Demography

25 February 2025

Master Programme "Global Demography" at the University of Vienna

The Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, OeAW, University of Vienna) will start Master's Programme "Global Demography" at the University of Vienna with its fifth cohort of students in October 2025.
Sphere from various social media and computer icons.

14 February 2025

Strengthening citizen science and sustainability monitoring in Europe

Researchers from the IIASA Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability (NODES) Research Group are part of the newly launched RIECS-Concept (Towards A Pan-European Research Infrastructure for Excellent Citizen Science), a project designed to develop a conceptual framework for a pan-European citizen science research infrastructure. The initiative aims to enhance the role of citizen science in data collection, validation, and policy engagement, ensuring long-term sustainability and broader participation in scientific research across Europe.
Fire sparkles glow in dark blue background

22 January 2025

Winners of the 2024 Young Scientists Summer Program Awards Announced

IIASA is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) Awards in recognition of outstanding research conducted during the program.