Established by World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), the Task Teams will support the design, scope, and definition of the next phase of CMIP and evolution of CMIP infrastructure and future operationalization.

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Earth System Modelling and Observations (ESMO) project, through its Working Group on Coupled Models’ (WGCMCMIP panel and WGCM infrastructure panel (WIP), has established a number of Task Teams to contribute to the future direction of CMIP, each composed by a diverse and multidisciplinary team of 8-12 experts in the specific field of the task.

The currently active task teams are:

Keywan Riahi, Energy, Climate, and Environment Program Director, will take part to the Climate Forcings Task Team, which mission is to investigate how the CMIP required forcing agents will need to broaden for CMIP7, while Senior Research Scholar Matthew Gidden will be a member of the Strategic Ensemble Design Task, focusing on ensemble design and interpretation to aid scoping of the next phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP7).


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05 June 2024

The 2024 State of CDR Report: Scaling up CO2 removal to meet Paris Targets

The 2024 State of Carbon Dioxide Removal report finds that around 7–9 billion tonnes of CO2 per year will need to be removed by mid-century from the atmosphere if the world is to meet the 1.5°C Paris Agreement target. The authors stress that reducing emissions is the primary way to achieve net-zero, but Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) has a critical role to play.
USA flag

23 April 2024

US Permanent Representative to International Organizations in Vienna visits IIASA

H.E. Ambassador Laura Holgate, US Permanent Representative to International Organizations in Vienna, met with IIASA Director General John Schellnhuber to discuss advancing collaboration on leveraging systems analysis for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The visit strengthened ties between IIASA and the US, emphasizing a commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange for informed decision making.
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15 April 2024

Collaborating to devise a strategy for organic waste management in Uganda

IIASA researchers are participating in a new project kicking off in Uganda this week, in which IIASA and a number of international partners will work with Ugandan stakeholders to co-develop a national strategy for organic waste management in the country.