IIASA Energy, Climate, and Environment Program Director Keywan Riahi and Joeri Rogelj, a senior researcher at the institute, have been appointed to the new European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change. This new independent advisory body will provide scientific advice to underpin climate action and efforts by the European Union (EU) to reach climate neutrality by 2050.

The European Climate Law includes the establishment of a European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change, composed of 15 independent senior scientific experts covering a broad range of relevant disciplines. These experts will provide independent scientific advice on EU measures and climate targets and their coherence with the European Climate Law and the EU's international commitments under the Paris Agreement.

Following an open, fair and transparent selection procedure, the Management Board of the European Environment Agency appointed the following 15 members (in alphabetical order):

  • Maarten van Aalst, University of Twente
  • Jette Bredahl Jacobsen, University of Copenhagen 
  • Constantinos Cartalis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Suraje Dessai, University of Leeds
  • Laura Díaz Anadón, University of Cambridge 
  • Ottmar Edenhofer,  Technische Universität in Berlin
  • Vera Eory, Scotland’s Rural College
  • Edgar Hertwich, Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim 
  • Lena Kitzing, Technical University of Denmark
  • Elena López-Gunn, ICATALIST
  • Lars J. Nilsson, Lund University 
  • Keywan Riahi, IIASA
  • Joeri Rogelj, Grantham Institute of the Imperial College London and IIASA
  • Nicolaas Schrijver, Leiden University 
  • Jean-Francois Soussana, French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment

The Advisory Board will build on the best available and most recent scientific evidence, including the latest reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other national and international bodies. It will follow a fully transparent process and make its reports publicly available.

“It is a great honor to join the advisory board and to contribute to the European climate strategy. Europe is leading the path towards rapid greenhouse gas emissions reductions globally, and the advisory board will facilitate the policies being deeply rooted in scientific evidence,” says Riahi.

The first tasks of the Advisory Board will be to elect its chairperson and to define its work program. The Advisory Board will be supported in its work by a Secretariat hosted by the European Environment Agency.

Adapted from a press release issued by the European Environment Agency. Read the original press release here.


The European Climate Law, adopted in June 2021, sets out a binding objective of climate neutrality in the EU by 2050 in pursuit of the long-term temperature goal set out in the Paris Agreement. It also provides a framework for achieving progress in pursuit of the global adaptation goal established in the Paris Agreement.

To support the achievement of these objectives the European Climate Law also provides for the establishment of a European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change. The European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change is established through an amendment of the founding regulation of the EEA.

The members of the Advisory Board are appointed in a personal capacity for a term of four years, renewable once. They will give their positions completely independently of the Member States and the EU institutions. No more than two members of the Advisory Board can hold the nationality of the same Member State.


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