Thomas Schinko, the Equity and Justice (EQU) Research Group leader at IIASA, will participate at the event "Days of Transformation" as co-host and scientific advisor of the Globart 2022 fellowship programme.

The ecological catastrophe requires a transformational change in the way we live. What actually constitutes a “transformation”? And how can transdisciplinary science support society in achieving it?

This year’s Globart fellowship program will be designed by Matthias Mittelberger from mitweitblick foundation and Dr. Thomas Schinko from IIASA. Together with 25 young people (18-30 years) from all parts of society, the three days will be used to open a ‘testing space’ for transformation. Thematically, the program will revolve around the habitable climate, socially as well as ecologically, and the concept of sustainability in all its facets. The four day program will span from personal transformation to activism and social design of our lifeworld. We will practice not only with each other, but most importantly also with a small ‘world machine’ that will allow us to experience the global polycrisis. In other words: We will play the World Climate Game©, an interactive board game on global sustainability, that mitweitblick, supported by POPJUS researcher Thomas Schinko, has developed over the past two and a half years. With the help of a computer-based climate simulation, we can (with due prudence and sufficient negotiating skills) playfully accomplish the global transformation in ecology, economy and society. The simulation game will also allow the participants to explore how they may be able to translate the game insights into real world action. In the interplay between play experience and reflection, between role and person, between play and seriousness, we will practice transformational practice together and hopefully come one step closer achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a society.


For more information (in German) about this event please visit the event website.

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