IIASA Reseracher Schinko reaches policy makers through Climate Change Economics Course

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As an invited lecturer for the JVI (Joint Vienna Institute), Dr. Thomas Schinko facilitates a lecture on climate change economics to policy makers from around the world. The course is aimed at staff from ministries and other public institutions, who are involved in analysing and developing climate change related socio-economic policies and strategies at both national and international level.

The one-week course will review various dimensions of climate change economics and discuss policy options to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Dr. Schinko's lecture on The Science and Economics of Climate Change and Climate Policy will focus on the topic of climate-related risks and various development scenarios as well as on the pillars of international climate policy. 

Climate Change Economics Course @ JVI

While its long-term economic, social, and welfare implications are still difficult to predict, it is evident that climate change is already taking a massive toll. This course will review the various dimensions of climate change economics and discuss policy options to mitigate and adapt to climate change. In particular, we will seek answers to the following questions: What is the current understanding of climate change, its dynamics, and potential tipping points? What are the main macroeconomic, structural, social and financial sector implications of climate change? What are the country-specific consequences and policy priorities of climate change in the JVI region? What mitigation measures can be used to contain greenhouse gas emissions, e.g. carbon taxes vs. emission trading programs? What adaptation policies can increase countries’ resilience to climate change? What is the government’s role in supporting low-carbon energy production and technological innovation? What is the role of international policy coordination?

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